
Has anyone been hounded by the police and had to make numerous complaints?That is my story I am facing a court case for harassment which in fact I am the victim.the latest was I had had enough of a neighbour taking photographs of me on my property and harassing my Sister.The Police via a battle on 101 finally agreed I was the victim.Positive 2 hours interview with the Police agreeing the n a week later they have not got back to me as they aid they would fro CCTV and other witness statements .

Any thoughts 

  • Try to avoid interactiing with either group at all costs.

    If you have to interact with such people then be the sort of prey that looks unappetising, or (if you can manage it) be poisonous to them.

    Being a "Straight Arrow" is the antithesis to the "cops and robbers" game.

    It says so in the book I recommend in my bio, (At least that was my takeaway) it works for me in real life, and I watched a documentary about a crimeboss murderer type bloke, and he made a point of saying how he didn't mess with the "straight goers". The police also seem to prefer a bit of straight talk rather than bullshine when they actually catch you doing something silly like speeding. 

  • There are three main groups at play in our society. 

    The Criminals.

    The Police. 

    US the public. (The "prey" for groups 1 & 2) 

    Act accordingly.