Do you miss a good discussion?

I do, people seem so afraid of causing offence that they don't seem to say anything, others are a sense of offence looking for somewhere to happen. It seems that any sort of challenge however mild is a no no, even when someone asks for clarification of a point it seems that someone will take offence on sombody elses defence.

I really enjoyed Pixiefox's AI thread, but so few people seem willing or able to engage with the issues or even ask questions, why is this?

I'd love there to be threads that are lively and topics are discussed robustly, you don't have to be rude when challenging someone's viewpoint, just be firm and say something like, 'I feel that...'

I've just finished a book on the origins of the Anglo-Saxons, it goes into linguistics, DNA, archaeology as well as the documented history, I know its a bit specialist but it would be really good to feel that it's something I could share with others.

  • I don't miss the sort of discussion that's happened on here. It seems that every couple of months this sort of thing happens, and it rather upsets me.

    Cat woman - I am not blaming you - I was a little confused by your original post to be honest, as I wasn't sure why you would mention challenging viewpoints when you seemed to wish to start a discussion about Anglo Saxons. Did you think that this would cause controversy? I can't see it myself, but I'm possibly a bit naive - however I would be interested in the subject. Perhaps you could start a new thread just called "Discussion on Anglo Saxons" and start it by telling us what you learned?

    (Thank you for the compliment about my discussion thread on AI by the way. Thankfully that didn't seem to cause any problems.)

    When we are posting on here, we need to keep in mind that it's difficult online to convey meaning, without any facial expression or tone of voice, and people may misinterpret or be offended by something you did not intend to offend with. I have done this myself in the past, and apologised, as a couple of people were upset because they viewed my post as "othering" or offensive to neurotypical people. It wasn't my intention, but I could see how that happened. Here's a link to the thread if you want to read it:

    There are posts on this thread which could be interpreted as dismissing other people's views, or making them feel like their different view is not valid, even if that was not the intention.

    I have a good friend who I hold opposite views with on a couple of subjects - we just dont talk about them. instead of trying to change the other's view or belittling it, we accept that we can each hold different views while still respecting each other, and leave it there. Plenty more to talk about that isn't controversial.

    I'm not saying anyone deliberately tried to upset anyone here, I'm just saying that we need to be very respectful of other peoples ideas and views, to prevent people keeping leaving the forum. After all, when it's good, it's great. 

  • Yeh exactly. You’re on the mark there. People need to be respectful of each other. Unfortunately they’re just not on this forum. For whatever reason, kinda sucks to be a bitter person who picks on others who are trying to help them. If you need help go seek it or something don’t just take your negativity out on everyone else. You know what I mean?

  • Yeh exactly. You’re on the mark there. People need to be respectful of each other. Unfortunately they’re just not on this forum. For whatever reason, kinda sucks to be a bitter person who picks on others who are trying to help them. If you need help go seek it or something don’t just take your negativity out on everyone else. You know what I mean?
