Do you miss a good discussion?

I do, people seem so afraid of causing offence that they don't seem to say anything, others are a sense of offence looking for somewhere to happen. It seems that any sort of challenge however mild is a no no, even when someone asks for clarification of a point it seems that someone will take offence on sombody elses defence.

I really enjoyed Pixiefox's AI thread, but so few people seem willing or able to engage with the issues or even ask questions, why is this?

I'd love there to be threads that are lively and topics are discussed robustly, you don't have to be rude when challenging someone's viewpoint, just be firm and say something like, 'I feel that...'

I've just finished a book on the origins of the Anglo-Saxons, it goes into linguistics, DNA, archaeology as well as the documented history, I know its a bit specialist but it would be really good to feel that it's something I could share with others.

  • In my humble opinion, some of the people that I know say they like a good discussion also end up being some of the touchiest people that I know. I don't know why it is. I've a good friend who I dare not speak about certain subjects (he became a conspiracy theorist during covid), yet he thinks he's the king of banter. I like this guy a lot, so I just avoid these subjects.

    When I was a lot younger, I loved talking about my atheism but I soon realised it was pointless and anger inducing. I realised about politics sometime later. Anti-vax/Covid conspiracies completely blind-sided me and I argued against them for a bit, but soon gave up on a lost cause.

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