Workplace adjustments

I'm newly diagnosed at 34 and have been asked by my manager what adjustments would make things easier for me.

I have no idea because I haven't had anything before, what are some workplace adjustments that have helped you?

  • The adjustments you need will depend upon whatever it is that you do. I would focus on looking for adjustments that would minimize whatever your triggers are. 

    I was a teacher for 32 years. My accommodations included:

    * I was excused from before school recess duty.

    * To facilitate my need for scheduling, I was given advanced notice of pending emergency drills so that I wouldn't be caught off guard by these disruptions to our normal routine.

    * While teachers were expected to work out their differences with one another, the building principal would act as a mediator if I were to have a problem with a colleague.

  • I’ve just started teaching and am finding it very difficult to get my employers to understand the intensity of my distress. Could I possibly message you privately to ask you some questions about how you managed as an educator? 

  • I’ve just started teaching and am finding it very difficult to get my employers to understand the intensity of my distress. Could I possibly message you privately to ask you some questions about how you managed as an educator? 

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