Workplace adjustments

I'm newly diagnosed at 34 and have been asked by my manager what adjustments would make things easier for me.

I have no idea because I haven't had anything before, what are some workplace adjustments that have helped you?

  • I am so happy that the previous posters have positive experiences. It is not always that way. Get occupational health help as suggestions they make have gravitas. Try an get an independent workplace assessment of your needs.

    I am biased in my opinion as my experience has been a negative one where I am being forced to take another position in the organisation and may well end up at a tribunal. My manager has taken a very ableist view and has used assumptions and stereotypical views about me and my abilities. They kept trying to bring up past instances of communication breakdown to enhance their narrative.

    I am pleased that your manager is being proactive in asking you as mine never did and rubbished the suggestions that myself, occupational health, access to work and my diagnostic assessors made.

    Sorry to paint a gloomy picture

  • Im sorry your boss has not been helpful, I work for the NHS so trying to improve diversity and disability support is a big thing for my employer 

  • My experience of the NHS as an employer in my field of work is a culture of if you are different you are singled out and the old adage of 'needs of service' is used to discriminate. I grant you that is only my experience and I have met some lovely people who I know would not act in this way.

    Although the NHS is a healthcare provider there is little care shown to staff and HR needs to be renamed as Managers Resources as my experience is they are only there to protect the organisation and not the humans who work for it.

  • My experience of the NHS as an employer in my field of work is a culture of if you are different you are singled out and the old adage of 'needs of service' is used to discriminate. I grant you that is only my experience and I have met some lovely people who I know would not act in this way.

    Although the NHS is a healthcare provider there is little care shown to staff and HR needs to be renamed as Managers Resources as my experience is they are only there to protect the organisation and not the humans who work for it.

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