Workplace adjustments

I'm newly diagnosed at 34 and have been asked by my manager what adjustments would make things easier for me.

I have no idea because I haven't had anything before, what are some workplace adjustments that have helped you?

  • Workplace Adjustments vary and can be different for different working environments. I work office-based (at least I did before the pandemic now mostly work from home).

    Some of my adjustments are:

    • Access to music and personal electronic devices
    • Clear, precise, unambiguous and prioritised written instructions for tasks where possible, including deadlines
    • Individual support during change (anything that impacts routine or working environment)
    • When in office to use a chair that he feels comfortable with
    • Stable working environment – where possible - not changing often
    • Be allowed paid time to attend support networks e.g. peer support group with Mind
    • Be allowed paid time, and funding for appropriate ASD training e.g. social skills
    • Works best in a well organised team, on well understood projects, with clearly articulated outputs, job roles, and expectations
    • Extra breaks as needed
    • Able to go home to work if overwhelmed, after consultation with Tasking Manager

    When I got my diagnosis about 7 years ago, my employer's Occupational Health recommended a DWP "access to Work" assessment which recommended reasonable adjustments for my employer to consider.

  • Workplace Adjustments vary and can be different for different working environments. I work office-based (at least I did before the pandemic now mostly work from home).

    Some of my adjustments are:

    • Access to music and personal electronic devices
    • Clear, precise, unambiguous and prioritised written instructions for tasks where possible, including deadlines
    • Individual support during change (anything that impacts routine or working environment)
    • When in office to use a chair that he feels comfortable with
    • Stable working environment – where possible - not changing often
    • Be allowed paid time to attend support networks e.g. peer support group with Mind
    • Be allowed paid time, and funding for appropriate ASD training e.g. social skills
    • Works best in a well organised team, on well understood projects, with clearly articulated outputs, job roles, and expectations
    • Extra breaks as needed
    • Able to go home to work if overwhelmed, after consultation with Tasking Manager

    When I got my diagnosis about 7 years ago, my employer's Occupational Health recommended a DWP "access to Work" assessment which recommended reasonable adjustments for my employer to consider.

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