Looking for friends

Hi! Im recently late diagnosed and have always failed at making friends in person so would love to make some online friends.

im 21 from the UK and a lesbian. i LOVE cats and nightmare before christmas (as well as all horror/spooky stuff). i also have two bunnies called chai and jasmine. 

anyone with similar interests? Slight smile

  • Hello! I also struggle with making friends in person but I would always love more online friends. 

    I'm 25 and also from the UK. I've been with my fiancé for 7 years now and we are going to be living together next year! I also love cats and always try to stroke any I see when I go out. I have my own black cat called Wanda. 

    I do love horror movies and games, they're so good. I'd be down to get to know each other if you want to private chatSlight smile

  • Hello Freckles!

    Ive never struggled with friends but i choose not to have a lot of friends irl, but i do want autistic friends and to share things with. I like to help a lot.

    My interested are martial arts, traveling,hiking, music, food... Yeah i got tons Sweat smile

  • Hello Freckles!

    Ive never struggled with friends but i choose not to have a lot of friends irl, but i do want autistic friends and to share things with. I like to help a lot.

    My interested are martial arts, traveling,hiking, music, food... Yeah i got tons Sweat smile

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