Self reflection

I decided that maybe I'm ok not having friends.  The responsibility and having to compromise my boundaries and privacy seems too much to handle.

Also I had to say no to a local monthly social group due to being in the late afternoon when the roads and buses are filled up with traffic and sprogs leaving school and feeling like I would not get anything useful from it and feeling like an outsider.

  • I feel like that too, I have to ask myself whats in it for me? The answer is usually not a lot, I know it can become self defeating, I don't meet people so I don't get to share interestests etc, but then most of my interests are fairly solitary and I don't need others to do them with. I wouldn't want to go to something at school kicking out time either, or early morning, or evening either, so it dosent' leave much of the day. I'm also nearly always busy, dashing about like a fart in a colander, when would I get time to socialise! Socialising is what I come on here for and I meet some friends for a dog walk on a sunday afternoon, that feels enough for me.

  • I feel like that too, I have to ask myself whats in it for me? The answer is usually not a lot, I know it can become self defeating, I don't meet people so I don't get to share interestests etc, but then most of my interests are fairly solitary and I don't need others to do them with. I wouldn't want to go to something at school kicking out time either, or early morning, or evening either, so it dosent' leave much of the day. I'm also nearly always busy, dashing about like a fart in a colander, when would I get time to socialise! Socialising is what I come on here for and I meet some friends for a dog walk on a sunday afternoon, that feels enough for me.

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