Private diagnosis?

Hi All

This is my first post. My nephew is on the ASD pathway and the most recent letter is that there is still a 2-3 year wait. He attempted his life last week and fortunately is physically ok. As he turns 18 soon, he has been left with zero support. I cannot seem to get a clear answer on if we should explore a private diagnosis. I've spoken to the Community Paedrtric team today who have confirmed that he will remain on the list he is on despite his age, and a suicide attempt is not grounds for pushing further up the list, that they cannot advise on private diagnosis, and do not have an NHS approved list of practitioners, and that any mediation required as a result of a private diagnosis would have to be paid for privately (i.e. no NHS prescriptions).

It's an absolute minefield to navigate and I feel hopeless in being able to support my family.

Any advice very welcome.


  • The NHS is in a mess. That is now official.  You could contact your MP, write to the Chairman of the Health Authority and other official channels. Or you could paint yourself blue and dance naked on the village green, which would be just as ineffectual but slightly more entertaining.

    He could get a private diagnosis if he or the family can afford it. The question regarding NHS prescriptions is interesting - his GP ought to be able to prescribe for a condition, irrespective of by whom that condition was diagnosed. The problem is where medication is recommended for "shared care" by the GP with advice from a consultant, and the GP will not accept clinical responsibility without "cover" by a NHS consultant. Has anybody spoken with the GP?

    I suspect any medication would be for other comorbid conditions such as depression or anxiety, not for autism specifically. (As far as I am aware there is no treatment for simple autism, only side-effects.)  In that case the GP should treat the other condition and the autism diagnosis would be incidental.

    Not advice, just my opinion which costs you nothing and may be worth every penny.

  • I was privately diagnosed by an NHS consultant psychiatrist. Many clinicians who work for private providers also work for the NHS - but check in each case!

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