Interesting facts

I thought we could start a thread for sharing facts we love or find interesting/fun. Next time we're due to be in a social situation where it might be expected to share a fact as part of introducing ourselves, we can have this thread as a resource to look through so we have something ready. And at least as importantly I think, this can also be a space for info-dumping favourite facts about special interests. I'll start:

  • The Microbrachius Dicki, or M. Dicki, is the first creature to reproduce sexually, and is believed to have populated the waters of what is now Scotland. So if anyone ever asks you what Scotland's greatest contribution to the world is... well...

  • The Microbrachius Dicki, or M. Dicki, is the first creature to reproduce sexually, and is believed to have populated the waters of what is now Scotland. So if anyone ever asks you what Scotland's greatest contribution to the world is... well...

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