I think I'm odd

I don't cope well with ambiguity and fiddle faddle. I like to have clear step by step instructions  that I can follow . Written (to consult when needed) rather than oral.

  • Golden Rule:

    If people aren't REALLY NICE to you on your first day, DON'T do the second day...

  • I think most of us have a higher preference for clear and direct language. It may be because our tendency to overthink highlights negative possibility. "We should hang out some time!" "Yeah I'd like that!" instead becomes "Ok! When?"

  • I'm definitely the same. 

    I nearly got fired on my first day in a new job due to wanting greater clarity about the task I'd just been set. It's among the many historic situations that I've been ruminating on since my diagnosis.

    I think, in that instance, that they perceived my requests for more detail as a challenge to their authority. I didn't know how to respond to their aggressive reply ("are we going to have a problem?"), and so folded with a meek "no" and went away feeling clueless, like I must have somehow behaved badly, and worried about whether I was going to get sacked for having a supposed bad attitude.

    I've spent *far too much* time over the last year thinking about how I could have replied differently, had I known then that I was autistic. If I'd been able to explain myself in that context, it would have made for an entirely different conversation, and subsequent relationship, with both that person and their boss, who had been standing next to them.

  • Instruction leaflets and booklets are routinely refered to as destructions in my houses, as thats what they seem to be, lol.

  •  for me I got a learning disability a developmental learning disability aswell  as my Autism.  due to my conditions I  need step by step insructions so I dont cope well otherwise and so I need step by step instructions too like you so your not alone and its more common than you might think 

  • Haha, great answer!

    All good here Smile

  • Ah, you know, the air goes in, the air goes out...

    Thanks for asking. 


  • Hey I Sperg, how are you doing?

  • Thank you kind Sir, I do agree that instructions should be clear and if printed be written in a language that I can actually read.

    I started to have fresh food boxes delivered with cooking instructions, they would give a task and then put ‘“meanwhile” and something else to do. There is no meanwhile, my whole concentration is on the task I’ve already been given. In the end I stopped the order.

  • Odd is interesting, normal is boring!

  • Always a good idea I'd say, based on what she's written and what I've read of it here.

    Pixiefix does seem to have her head screwed on right, and I usally (Possibly always) enjoy her posts.

    Onwards! (Together and separately then together again, etc. But always onwards! Glad to see you posting again, Pikl.)

  • Testify, Brother!

    (Removal of ambiguity, I'm vigorously agreeing with Firemonkey)

  • I don't find that odd either, I wish there were more clear instructions rather than vagueness and certainly not an instruction leaflet translated from one language to another ever further away from the original. If people do give oral instructions then they need to be clear, without asking me what I think and without making me feel stupid.

  • That's not odd, that's autistic Grin