Wildlife guess who games

I came up with this idea cause of a frequent visiter when i was away 

guess who this is? 

  • well done evryone even though you didnt all guess correctly you did very  well. games like this can be not just fun but educational. it takes time to learn how to identify birds so dont exspect to allways get your guesess right strait away you have a couple of gueses

     easy ones to start with and some great easy ones   is Blue tit cause all you need to remember is blue head.

    for the great tit if seen from other angles like its back and not from the tummy. the wings will be blue not gray. and the second thing to look for is the head.  black head not blue. Blue tit and great tit, Robin,Blackbird are good ones to start with and there very easy to learn 

      when Great tit is seen from the front unlike all the other Tit it has a black stripe down its tummy. this is a exstremely distinctive feaature.

    males have a broad black stripe. females have a thin Black stripe. 

  • well done evryone even though you didnt all guess correctly you did very  well. games like this can be not just fun but educational. it takes time to learn how to identify birds so dont exspect to allways get your guesess right strait away you have a couple of gueses

     easy ones to start with and some great easy ones   is Blue tit cause all you need to remember is blue head.

    for the great tit if seen from other angles like its back and not from the tummy. the wings will be blue not gray. and the second thing to look for is the head.  black head not blue. Blue tit and great tit, Robin,Blackbird are good ones to start with and there very easy to learn 

      when Great tit is seen from the front unlike all the other Tit it has a black stripe down its tummy. this is a exstremely distinctive feaature.

    males have a broad black stripe. females have a thin Black stripe. 

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