Wildlife guess who games

I came up with this idea cause of a frequent visiter when i was away 

guess who this is? 

  • to make it easyer on everyone there is only 2 options it isnt Blue tit. Blue tit has a blue head rather than black.

    its not coal tit. coal tt is all gray just like marsh and willow. 

    its not the other members of the tit family like long tailed tit. the long tailed tit is named after its long lollipop stick like tail

    it is also black and white with a white tummy 

    it isnt bearded tit bearded tit has brown wings and white tummy with a gray head 

    all the other Tit above  in the tit family are the wrong colour which leaves only one tit  left 

    this last option can only potentialy be comfused with the blue tit

    for instance theres only 2 species in the Tit family that have blue wings

    Blue tit 

    Great tit 

    but is very easy to tell apart

      its the head that is the absoloute giveway. 

    Blue tit has a Blue head 

    Great tit black 

    so we know Blue tit is very unlikely cause it has a blue head.  coal tit is unlikely cause its all gray and plain. 

    the bird in the photo has a black head 

    blue wings 

    Bright yellow tunmmy 

    greenish yellow on its back 

    one white stripe on its wing - not 2 stripes or 0 stripes. 

    guess who it is 


  • When this round has finished, can I do one for you? The difference will be that I won't know the answer, either. If that's OK?

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