Wildlife guess who games

I came up with this idea cause of a frequent visiter when i was away 

guess who this is? 

  • nope not a coal tit. you got the first one right though. Blue tit  dont have a black hood whereas Great Tit also known by the scientific name parus major  do. coal tit also has a black head. if you look at the wings on the back which is sort of a clue  though you will see that they have some green abouve the wings and bright blue wings. it also has a bright yellow tummy. coal tit doesnt have blue and greenish back and wigs which the coal tit  dont have.

    another clue is that coal tit - periparus ater 

    have grayish wings with 2 white wing bars whereaas Great tit also known by the scientific name parus major  only have one white wing bar on  the side of the wing 

    whats your second guess?

  • Hmmm I really can't think....

  • you were very close with coal tit. it isnt any of the other birds from the Tit family its just great tit or coal tit so its one of those two 

    Coal tit is exstremely unlikely cause its got completely  gray feathers and back all over  and its tummy is pale and not yellow. it isnt very colourful but instead rather plain and so doesnt have any blue feathers on its wings  or even any green on its back  at all.  

    the great tit is colourful unlike the coal tit and it has a black hood and blue wings with some greenish yellow  on its back. its also only has one wingbar whereas the coal tit has 2 

    which one do you think it is?

  • you were very close with coal tit. it isnt any of the other birds from the Tit family its just great tit or coal tit so its one of those two 

    Coal tit is exstremely unlikely cause its got completely  gray feathers and back all over  and its tummy is pale and not yellow. it isnt very colourful but instead rather plain and so doesnt have any blue feathers on its wings  or even any green on its back  at all.  

    the great tit is colourful unlike the coal tit and it has a black hood and blue wings with some greenish yellow  on its back. its also only has one wingbar whereas the coal tit has 2 

    which one do you think it is?

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