Wildlife guess who games

I came up with this idea cause of a frequent visiter when i was away 

guess who this is? 

  • yes. its a squirrel so your correct on that one. in the uk  theres 2 well known species of squirrel gray squirrel and red Squirrels. red squirrels  are now rare cause they used to be in the same area as gray squirrels a long time ago and the red squirrels caught a disease they are susceptable to from gray squirrels and due to things like competiiton for survival and resources the red squirrel population dropped and became rare and the remaining  red squirrels arnt in the same place as gray squirrel anymore cause they cant be in the same place for the above reasons. red squirrel populations are in scotland and down south on brownsea island. where I sighted the squirrel is where you wont find any red squirrels. red squirrels are all red whereas gray squirrels are all gray with some red (aswell) gray squirrels also dont have tufty ears whereas red squirrels dont. but you are correct you two it is a squirrel 

  • yes. its a squirrel so your correct on that one. in the uk  theres 2 well known species of squirrel gray squirrel and red Squirrels. red squirrels  are now rare cause they used to be in the same area as gray squirrels a long time ago and the red squirrels caught a disease they are susceptable to from gray squirrels and due to things like competiiton for survival and resources the red squirrel population dropped and became rare and the remaining  red squirrels arnt in the same place as gray squirrel anymore cause they cant be in the same place for the above reasons. red squirrel populations are in scotland and down south on brownsea island. where I sighted the squirrel is where you wont find any red squirrels. red squirrels are all red whereas gray squirrels are all gray with some red (aswell) gray squirrels also dont have tufty ears whereas red squirrels dont. but you are correct you two it is a squirrel 

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