How clumsy are you?

I know that we can be prone to being clumsy (and why, and that I definitely am), but can still find it upsetting. 

Since my diagnosis, I've found it easier to just acknowledge - or even to smile or laugh about - the smaller examples. But my unending stream of clumsiness, together with the hassle of the bigger examples, still gets to me.

It started innocuously enough today: I somehow dropped my teabag on the kitchen floor, between taking it out of the caddy and putting it into my cup. One moment it was right there, between my thumb and fingers, and I was looking right at it. The next it was on the floor. I've no idea how.

Two hours later, one that I couldn't smile about: I was sitting in the living room, had a first sip from a cup of coffee, and then - in the process of putting it back on the side table - somehow knocked it over and spilled it all over the floor (including down the table, under the table, under the sofa, etc).

I thought it might be interesting or maybe even therapeutic to share some of our clumsiness incidents.

So, if you feel like sharing, how clumsy are you? And what are some examples - whether recent or old?

(Very importantly, I don't mean to be tone deaf with this thread in respect of those of us who routinely have more severe difficulties. I'm thinking about the situations that we think we've got covered, until it turns out that we haven't).

  • Yes!! I dropped my phone the most when I first got it and was trying to be careful.

  • Do you find it worse when you're trying to be careful? I do, I feel as though my body has become enormous, elephant sized almost and spaces I could previously walk through or past easily suddenly become to small.

  • Thought it was just me I've always been clumsy,the last time was 5 minutes ago when I forcefully opened cupboard door into my kneecap

  • With me it's scratches that I have no idea how they happened. When they were very young my granddaughters thought I should wear a pelican bib, because I was such a messy eater.

  • I tuck my legs under myself also, and sometimes forget that when attempting to stand up. I either have to fight myself free of my legs or I just end up looking like I've decided to take a dive off the sofa.

  • I am constantly covered in bruises, sometimes very large and painful ones, and never have any memory of the actual cause. Though I do know that I frequently bump into door frames, which explains some of them. So I assume the rest is from bumping into various pieces of furniture without noticing I've done so.

  • I always bump into my friend's artwork, facing his wrath as a result.

  • I excused myself from running, by pretending I was a cameraman.

    I can never do table tennis, myself.

  • I just found my glasses, missing over a week, after getting my coat; finding them in the left arm of my coat.

    I can be a bull in a china shop, most times.

  • **** I hate knocking things over with my elbow. My dressing gown sleeves are magnets too. Why the ******* **** do i catch my clothing on door handles. It will corse me sprung back into people like I am connected to a bungy. I will rip pockets and i have broken a weak door too. 

  • How lovely Roy, I wish there were more sports teachers like that.

    The other things I was really bad at was gym, I couldn't climb ropes or jump, vault and I was hopeless at floor work too. We had to do Danish country dancing around the gym when it was to wet for outdoor stuff, I just used to skip along, I couldn't get the hang of the steps at all, I was told off for that as well.

  • I love the way you've written this. It really made me giggle. This is my life too. There's an army of them in my house. They should really pick on someone their own size right?

  • I remember the brother of my brother's girlfriend of the time wanting to play table tennis and there was only me. I said that it would be no fun for him to play me as I'm rubbish. I was telling the truth. He was thinking that I was being modest. After a few minutes of me never returning the ball, he despondently said (not nastily), you are rubbish.

  • I totally agree, tennis or badminton was like watching me swatting flies, another hate was hockey, I’ve occasionally been invited to play golf, there is no way I’m ever going to hit the ball, more chance of a club hitting someone.

    I was actually excused sport in the last year of school. My sports teacher was really kind, he took me to one side when I was being shouted at while playing football badly , he said that the other people in the school were my whole life at the moment, in a few years I will most probably never see any of them again in my life. He agreed that I was never going to be a sportsman, but there will be something out there that I will be good at. He was right, we remained friends right up to his death 25 years later.

  • I wasn't allowed to do javelin at school after the first attempt, I was way to dangerous, nor was I allowed to do shot put as I was a danger with that too, mostly to my own toes.

    I think it's odd that teachers understood that some people just can't throw and are clumsy, but still expected you to run and jump and be able to play tennis?

  • Something I was just thinking about, has anyone else ever tried to play ‘pub darts’? I know from experience that it’s a very dangerous sport, not so much for me but more for anyone standing within throwing distance.
    I remember javelin at school, quite a few people nearly got skewered.

  • Wait till you see me go round a corner!. We have a B group who ride at a steady pace on a forty mile or under ride to a cafe. We always wait for people so no stress, just good fun.

  • Thank you for the kind invitation. The only club that will let me ride with them is the

    Wobbly Wheelers Slight smile

  • I'm clumsy enough to always have a collection of bruises from bumping into door frames, cabinets, and so on. I'm also quite adept at tripping over things, whether indoors or outdoors. On several occasions, I've attempted to set a glass of water on the small table next to my chair, only to completely miss the table and have the glass fall to the floor. Once, while leaving the post office lobby, which had a floor-to-ceiling window next to the door, I somehow mistook the window for the door and hit the glass with a loud bang. It was so loud that the lady who worked at the counter inside the post office came rushing out to see if I was okay. As a child, I never managed to get past the training wheels on my bike, couldn't catch a ball, climb a tree, or balance while walking along the narrow edge of a 2x4 fixed to the ground. Physical education classes in school were a nightmare, and none of it has gotten better with age.

  • Door frames are a frequent place my spatial awareness fails me. I also trip over numerous items, but I don't think the tripping is autism related as my NT Mum tripped over numerous things too.

    Dropping items can be interesting as I sometimes manage to juggle them which is handy if they are heavy and would fall in my toe. I can frequently be heard to say whoops.