Help That Is Not Help and Has Very Negative Consequences

Dear Community,

I thought I would share my thoughts on when help is offered that is disingenuous and also has dangerous consequences.

Namely I am afraid it is directed at public bodies particularly Police and Council.

So my issue is I have been brave and not hidden my mental health namely Autism OCD and Anxiety.You would expect some reasonable  adjustments they do not come.

You then have issues thrown at you that are fully explainable with Autism etc and you challenge it under reasonable adjustments and a rational explanation.

Suddenly there is an offer of help can we offer you safeguarding can we write to your GP.You do some research and find out these offers could lead to an attempt to get you sectioned into more trouble or more exclusions.You say no but tell me what you would like to know from my GP there is no answer.You then  reach out for help with the GP and any specialists who send a letter.This is still not enough and they then try to go directly to medical people.This is of cause is refused under your medical rights and you are punished further and told that you are un cooperative.You even say again tell me exactly what you want from my medical records.No response you point out that you would not give anyone unlimited access to all your medical records.I have matters that are very personal and private that I have shared with my GP as it should and always should be a safe place where the patient can have a private chat knowing that this would not be passed on to third parties.

You suggest compromises they are refused.You are offered a meeting that is an exercise in coercive control to tell you what you must do based on evidence from a mob.

In my private life I find that hospitality is also ask for a set table at a set time or a room that are used to in hotel.You do not want to disclose your private medical health and juste expect as a paying customer you will be accommodated.They mess you around with wrong tables rooms etc.You then have to give deeply personal information as too why you need routine.

You still get messed about.

Please anyone any thoughts help have you had similar.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Mark know your reply is fine I do have lawyer plus lots of medical support  it is my observation to make people aware of the situation so as a community we can fight this .I think it is all meant heath that gets this treatment not just neuro diverse.

    Out of interest do you have someone that advocates for you  and is it something I can ask for for me ?

  • Hi Mark know your reply is fine I do have lawyer plus lots of medical support  it is my observation to make people aware of the situation so as a community we can fight this .I think it is all meant heath that gets this treatment not just neuro diverse.

    Out of interest do you have someone that advocates for you  and is it something I can ask for for me ?