trip I went on yesterday and other trips(not day trips)

this week so far iv been on a couple of trips but mainly places with streams,  ponds  or woodland. 

one of my favourite places to go is probably one most dont tend to go to unless going to a funeral or for personal reasons but me and my family go for walks 

the dogs like the graveyard nearby in Gloucestershire so mum and dad take a few of them for a walk there and let me take take pictures 

for Mum and dad its more about more than just the dogs but a nice place to go for a walk aswell its usualy portrayed a for dark themes and  scenes in media but  they can also  be very positive and enjoyable places and places for happy memorys. Graveyards are a natural habitat themselfs just like any other habitat. the only differance is  that people built  an important place on the grassland and due to the importance of graves to many people also bult graves giving it the name graveyard but they are also natural habitats aswell. 

  nature does its thing. it helps decompose decaying organic matter and exstracts nutrients and reproduces for survival thanks to different species of lichens and fungi both on graves and across the ground. Wildflowers grow and add colour they also have  nectar for pollinating insects and invertebrates. they are a place where scavengers gulls and the crow family can look for food like invertebrates and other things that are part of there varied  diet and places with trees or shrubs for thrushes, finches etc and other birds to hide from predators, mate and breed and   places for there favourate food - worms and even fruit like berrys during the cold months.  they are home to squirrels and various other species of wildlife too and this is why I go and take pictures 

  • Welcome back Zo.

    Great images.

    You captured the gull in flight very well.

    Not easy to do.

  • thanks. im very good at flight photography and am good at taking pictures of birds in flight.  i actualy have lots of photos of  birds in flight and flight sequences from when iv taken lots of pictures of birds in flight. theres  certain tricks iv learned over the years to get freeze frame flight shots. i usualy take them intentionaly. i cant predict if or when a bird is going to fly but sometimes they do a posture that they usualy do when thinking of taking off or when just about to so it can act as like a indication and a sign to make sure you have your finger on the shutter and the camara up. sometimes birds just come out of nowehere cause there already in flight but  i make sure im ready before it gets to me and i hold the shutter button down or if not a photo burst then to wait and watch and then take it either just before it enters the frame or as soon as it enters the frame.  sometimes i actualy wait to see if  they will fly even if im walking and not standing still so i can take pictures.I dont usualy find it very diffucult for me but i know alot of people can though. I had wilber in one of my  hands  at the cemetry but I wanted to do a flight sequence and not just a photo of it flying so i kept the shutter button pressed down to get the flight shots. it wasnt as easy as when i dont have a dog but i wanted to take a flight sequence when i saw it thinking about it and then prepareing to take off and then about to take off cause i like flight sequences.  

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