Sounding Grumpy Or ‘Short’

I’m most probably having more of a vent than asking advice. Im always being accused of sounding grumpy or being ’short’ with people, I’m not, my voice is quite deep and can be very monotone.

I know internally that I’m not  answering abruptly, I admit I can get tired quite quickly when in conversation, having to repeat a sentence when misheard can cause me to literally runout of words. It’s then thought that I’m being more awkward. I’m putting more energy into trying to smile and undulate my voice, if that’s the correct word? 

Im thinking it must run along the same lines as Martins post on looking miserable when not.

Is this something anyone else has encountered or am I being weirder than normal?

  • No your not being weird, other people are being rude, maybe modulating your voice would help, I don't know. But I think people think that if you stop to draw breath then your not wanting to answer, or taking a calming one, If challenged I often say that I'm thinking about what they said and thinking of a proper answer. If thats not good enough I walk away and then they say I'm being rude and you know what? I don't care.

  • It all just seems to not help a group of people who already struggle with communication, for me it just makes me want to communicate even less.

  • I feel the same Roy, the more people badger and belittle me about the things I want to do, or not, to agree or not agree, the less I feel like bothering, especially if its a group of people, or someone who talks over me. I mean whats the point, if they're not going to listen anyway?

    On the other hand I sometimes surprise people by being very talkative and forward with my opinions and I won't shut up, or be shut up, if it's something I feel is a principle then I will defend it. I don't care if it makes me popular or not, to me lifes not a popularity contest, although many especailly NT's seem to think it is.

  • I feel the same Roy, the more people badger and belittle me about the things I want to do, or not, to agree or not agree, the less I feel like bothering, especially if its a group of people, or someone who talks over me. I mean whats the point, if they're not going to listen anyway?

    On the other hand I sometimes surprise people by being very talkative and forward with my opinions and I won't shut up, or be shut up, if it's something I feel is a principle then I will defend it. I don't care if it makes me popular or not, to me lifes not a popularity contest, although many especailly NT's seem to think it is.

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