Cyclists! A rant.

Are like an embolism clogging the roads round here and are just as dangerous to other road and path users. I had angry waves from a cyclist because I didn't overtake him when he's kindly pulled over to let me past, there were two cars coming in the opposite direction on a single track road. There are just as many cyclists on pavements as there are on the roads riding far to fast for the numbers of people using the path. They ignore road signs and go the wrong way down a one way street, cross red lights, have no way of inidicating where they're going. The ride around the park at top speed scattering children, adults and dogs. The selfish arrogance of the people seem to know no bounds, do they not realise that people actually live in the countryside and have no choice but to drive on single track roads? So many people and animals have been hurt round here and it gets worse every year. Does nobody even have a bell anymore? 

Why should they be able to perpetrate every sort of stupidity under the sun and get away with it? Why should it always be my fault if I'm driving and their not paying attention? I'd like to see cyclists have to have some sort of MOT and public liability insurance, vets bills for a horse are astronomical and a horse could quite easily kill a cyclist, so why do they think it's OK to go speeding past horses? Many seem to have no or poor lights too. Grrr Arrgh.

  • What really gets me these days is the car drivers who flagrantly go through red lights, weave in and out of traffic as though they are the only ones on the road.

  • Drivers doing that bug me too, the other big bug bears are people who don't indicate and those who don't where reverse gear is. On our little roads you see people drive a car length or two past a passing place and then sit in the middle of the road because another vehicle's there. If it's me I just slowly advance on them, but I have been known to turn the engine off and sit there with my feet up on the dash board until they move.

  • Drivers doing that bug me too, the other big bug bears are people who don't indicate and those who don't where reverse gear is. On our little roads you see people drive a car length or two past a passing place and then sit in the middle of the road because another vehicle's there. If it's me I just slowly advance on them, but I have been known to turn the engine off and sit there with my feet up on the dash board until they move.

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