Cyclists! A rant.

Are like an embolism clogging the roads round here and are just as dangerous to other road and path users. I had angry waves from a cyclist because I didn't overtake him when he's kindly pulled over to let me past, there were two cars coming in the opposite direction on a single track road. There are just as many cyclists on pavements as there are on the roads riding far to fast for the numbers of people using the path. They ignore road signs and go the wrong way down a one way street, cross red lights, have no way of inidicating where they're going. The ride around the park at top speed scattering children, adults and dogs. The selfish arrogance of the people seem to know no bounds, do they not realise that people actually live in the countryside and have no choice but to drive on single track roads? So many people and animals have been hurt round here and it gets worse every year. Does nobody even have a bell anymore? 

Why should they be able to perpetrate every sort of stupidity under the sun and get away with it? Why should it always be my fault if I'm driving and their not paying attention? I'd like to see cyclists have to have some sort of MOT and public liability insurance, vets bills for a horse are astronomical and a horse could quite easily kill a cyclist, so why do they think it's OK to go speeding past horses? Many seem to have no or poor lights too. Grrr Arrgh.

  • I do not drive, I mostly walk to places and cyclists and scooter riders on pavements annoy me - they shouldn't even be on them unless it's a combined pedestrian and cycle path.

    Some do use their bells, ringing them loudly as they come up behind you, making you jump and making you feel like you are in the wrong because you didn't look out for and make way for them.

  • Bells on cycles can be irritating, but it's an option cyclists are encouraged to use. Rule 63 of the Highway Code does say that bells should be used for this, but I don't like it much. If I'm cycling I tend not to use mine. Approaching a pedestrian from behind, I slow down to a fast walking pace, give them a wide berth, and maybe say "good morning" or something to make them aware of my presence. As someone who is autistic the "good morning" option is quite hard.

  • Bells on cycles can be irritating, but it's an option cyclists are encouraged to use. Rule 63 of the Highway Code does say that bells should be used for this, but I don't like it much. If I'm cycling I tend not to use mine. Approaching a pedestrian from behind, I slow down to a fast walking pace, give them a wide berth, and maybe say "good morning" or something to make them aware of my presence. As someone who is autistic the "good morning" option is quite hard.

  • If we accomodated cyclists any more than they are already round here nobody else would be allowed out! Pavements have been widened, cycle ways created, loads of stuff, but you still get cyclists on pavements, footpaths where it clearly says they shouldn't be there.

    Who would I report bad cycling too? There was quite a big accident caused by a cycling club, a horse seriously spooked who threw the rider who ended up with a broken hip. The club involved just ignored any complaint made against them and have been allowed to carry on, how is this right?

    Living in a tourist destination rather than a town or city, people seem to leave thier manners and common sense behind when they pack their suitcases, although thats not just cyclists it seem to be the majority of visitors in one way or another. Its like we only exist to service thier needs.

  • They were quite popular in Der Nederlands when i lived there. I enjoyed it.

    Answer seems to be more accommodation for them, like in Nederlands, so they don't have to mix with the cars, perhaps they can be calculated into the algorithm of traffic control. It may even encourage more to bike! It would for me. On some streets they are experimenting with 2 wheel accommodation trials. on 'side streets'.

  • Bells on cycles can be irritating, but it's an option cyclists are encouraged to use

    This reminds me of when I lived in Frankfurt and bicycles were a very popular form of transport - typically the ones with a basked in front for placing your shopping in.

    Manys the time I would find a cyclist heading my way ringing their bell like made and shouting "aus, aus" at me - I guess the pavement must have doubled as a cycle path. They were certainly vocal in their displeasure of me not throwing myself into the bushes to clear their path.