How do you feel about the saying "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"?

This is no attempt to demonise anyone who may use this. I don't know how common it is within autism spaces anyway, but I know that I've felt this sentiment before many times. If you (friend, family member etc) are not there for me when I'm struggling, then I find it difficult to accept you being there when I'm not.

On the flip side, I know that people's worst can be difficult to tolerate sometimes, depending on what it is. My all-time worst was, on the one hand, not something that I could have feasibly expected people to understand or stick with me through, but it was still extremely isolating.

  • I know the saying and in a way I agree to it, but I do not like the phrasing of the saying at all, so I would never use this. I simplyfy it a little. If people (ie friends or partner) are only (!) there when you feel great and dont give you support when you really need that I personally dont want such people in my life. I might be too picky here. I understand if a person isnt able to handle some (!!) things, fair enough, but if one would always turn away when Id feel very bad its a big nope for me. So partially agree.

  • I know the saying and in a way I agree to it, but I do not like the phrasing of the saying at all, so I would never use this. I simplyfy it a little. If people (ie friends or partner) are only (!) there when you feel great and dont give you support when you really need that I personally dont want such people in my life. I might be too picky here. I understand if a person isnt able to handle some (!!) things, fair enough, but if one would always turn away when Id feel very bad its a big nope for me. So partially agree.

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