Uni accommodations without DSA?

I start uni in September but I was only diagnosed as autistic last month (and I still haven’t received the full report). I’ve started filling out questionnaires for the disability team at my university, but I haven’t applied for DSA. Will this limit the accommodations I could be offered? For example, I struggle during seminars or group work because I get quite overwhelmed with the amount of people talking and all the different things I have to process, so being given extra information or told things in advance could help. Would this be something my university could help with without me applying for DSA? I know that some things like special software that records audio and sorts notes would probably not be available without DSA, but I don’t know what else I wouldn’t be able to have access to. Is this something I should just talk to my uni about when I start??

  • The simple solution is to call them up and ask to speak to the people who handle the DSA - get the info straight from the source.

    I would take some time to list out all your questions and potential follow ups to make sure you cover everything in the call.

    The contact should be on the uni website.