Folding clothes and other people in my home.


The last two weeks have been manic for me. We have had a friend over for a week then we've been babysitting our granddaughter for 5 days and it's been stressful for me. I've also been working in this time and not had any alone time.

My partner changed the bed and did laundry today while I was at work to help me out and while I appreciate it, I hate the way he does it. I hate the way he makes the bed because it's not how I do it and the way he folds the laundry makes me feel physically uncomfortable to the point I have to refold it all and strip and remake the bed. I love him to bits but now we have a colleague staying with us and I'm just so overwhelmed, I want to cry but I can't let it out. My eye/eyebrow are also twitching uncontrollably and my heart rate won't drop below 90 BPM. I'm stressed, overwhelmed and too hot. 


  • question: it looks like you are saying you are 25/F? but.. you then say you have a grand daughter. Can you clarify?

           I have been there and know if I ignore my own needs long enough they burst forth all twisted and aggressive in a torrential meltdown. I also feel really really awful after wards too.

    What you describe is an unreasonable amount of domicile invasion that all but the most type A extrovert could handle! So many in one's personal space for so long!

    Can you create limits on this sort of thing in the future?

    It may be foot-down time.

    Claim your space or it will be swallowed by an endless parade of others' exigencies and your own life is subsumed into insignificance!

    Read "The Art Of War":

    free download from the internet archive.

  • question: it looks like you are saying you are 25/F? but.. you then say you have a grand daughter. Can you clarify?

           I have been there and know if I ignore my own needs long enough they burst forth all twisted and aggressive in a torrential meltdown. I also feel really really awful after wards too.

    What you describe is an unreasonable amount of domicile invasion that all but the most type A extrovert could handle! So many in one's personal space for so long!

    Can you create limits on this sort of thing in the future?

    It may be foot-down time.

    Claim your space or it will be swallowed by an endless parade of others' exigencies and your own life is subsumed into insignificance!

    Read "The Art Of War":

    free download from the internet archive.

  • Hi! 

    I have a step-daughter that is 4 years younger than me! My partner is 16 years older than me, lol Grin

    I definitely felt all my emotions were building up inside but I managed to talk to my partner and we aren't having anyone over for a couple of months and he's working away every other week so I get plenty of quiet time to myself!