Even my friends seem to be ghosting me now!

I made 3 friends on here in the 2nd half of last year. I’ve not heard from any of them since April! And I’ve still not met any of them! I’ve invited all 3 of them to come and visit me, and every time I didn’t even get a reply.


Is there something about autism that makes people less likely to keep in touch with their friends or something? Other than anxiety about travelling (which wouldn’t affect e-mailing me) I’m not aware of anything.


And none of them have replied to my e-mail asking for contact details either so I don’t know any of their phone numbers, so I can’t contact them that way to ask what’s going on.


They all tell me (or did until April) that I’m lovely and wonderful and yet they’re all acting as if they don’t want to meet me. I don’t understand why!

  • Am I allowed to use their names? Yes the one in hospital is Goosey. She's a very very nice person!

    I think I'll ask them if they want to meet me and see what (if anything) they say.

  • Am I allowed to use their names? Yes the one in hospital is Goosey. She's a very very nice person!

    I think I'll ask them if they want to meet me and see what (if anything) they say.

  • I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to use their names.

    Seeing as these people are, presumably, quite a distance away from you, don't you feel asking them if they're willing to do a call at some point is probably the better idea at this point? While not putting any pressure on them, so framing it as purely a suggestion.