Frustrated- executive functioning difficulties

I get so frustrated, angry,upset, and hurt, sometimes because of never getting help and support for my executive functioning difficulties. Especially when it comes to organising and planning. I'm a good finder of info, but a crap collator of such. Too much damage has been done that can't be fixed. I'll never be the person I could've been, if I'd had that help and support.

  • I'll never be the person I could've been, if I'd had that help and support.

    I'm sorry you're hurting so much. I feel upset about this, too. (Not that I'm confident there'd have been appropriate support throughout my life if I'd been diagnosed at a young age, much as it's tempting to think so).

    One of the questions during my assessment prep asked how I felt my issues had impacted my life. It turned out to be one of the most anger- and grief-triggering questions in the whole process.