Driving lessons

Learning to drive is something I've always wanted to conquer. I've had 3 sessions in the past with 2 different instructors. It's just not something I don't think I'll ever be able to do. It doesn't come easy, like most things in life!

The instructions whilst driving are massively hard. I need time to process any kind of instruction, so trying to do this whilst in a car that I'm trying to drive is near impossible. Both experiences have been bad ones and I end up with either massive fear anxiety or I enter a shutdown bubble afterwards.

I've been in search of a suitable driving instructor/company that are compassionate with autistic people, and have the patience! Does anybody have any recommendations?

  • Driving is challenging when you are autistic. I was lucky as my Great-grandfather took me out as a youngster to teach me how to drive on private roads. I passed my test first time but this was prior to the theory test. I do hope you find a instructor who will meet your needs and wish you well with passing your test. You never stop learning as a driver but it does give you freedom so enjoy driving.  

  • Driving is challenging when you are autistic. I was lucky as my Great-grandfather took me out as a youngster to teach me how to drive on private roads. I passed my test first time but this was prior to the theory test. I do hope you find a instructor who will meet your needs and wish you well with passing your test. You never stop learning as a driver but it does give you freedom so enjoy driving.  

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