Is it normal to get grief from your parents when you're not working?

Even though it has, at points, been physically taxing to the point I've had no choice but to stop. Or not search at all because there's something else going on for whatever reason.

They also don't consider freelance contracts to be a "real job", so by that definition I haven't worked a day in my life over the last 9 years since leaving full time education.

I applied for a paid shadowing programme and was invited to a workshop. I didn't get it so it feels very much "back at square one" as it sounded like the perfect opportunity.

I've done so much cold emailing and applying to no avail - I know it becomes a full time job in itself. My aim is to spend the next week digging into contacts I have instead.

  • I feel for you because when I consider some of the things you have previously said about your parents, they don't seem as understanding as they could be.

    You're doing your best, which is all you can do. It's just sad that your parents cannot seem to see that.

  • Is it a cultural thing with your family? My daughter in law is Indian and her family put her under tremendous pressure to do things, it's not just her mum, but the entire extended family too. She said she was really happy to have a British mother in law with no expectation of how she had to look after my son and that she wouldn't have to live in near slavery as many Indian brides do.

    One of the things that she and my son fell out over was that he works to live, she lives to work, it seems a very cultural thing.

  • Yes. My parents are from Pakistan so have had a vastly different upbringing to me (I've lived here my whole life).

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  • Sorry sometime post placing seems to get muddled, either by me or the site if someone posts a reply when another is being typed.

    HMO, it's a difficult one, I know that many families like yours have a very short list of acceptable careers and that you're supposed to achieve the higher levels within those professions. About the only thing I can suggest is that you try and move out, even if you do end up on benefits. If you did this would your family cast you out and not speak to you and make life difficult for you?