Misdiagnosis in mental health - late diagnosed female

Hi, I am new to this. I hope this is okay to post. I am 30 years old. I was misdiagnosed for a decade in the mental health system and was finally correctly diagnosed with autism at the age of 27, exactly 10 years after entering the mental health system. I have unfortunately spent over 7 of those years as an inpatient. It has been an incredibly traumatic time for me. I am finally out of hospital after the biggest battle of my life. As soon as I was diagnosed my mental health has been the best it has ever been as finally everything makes sense. I am so grateful I finally know why I am the way I am. 
However due to so many years stuck in the system and stuck in hospital, it has meant that I have never been in employment before. I really wish to be able to work but I am aware that it is going to be very challenging to get a job with my lack of experience. I have done several level 2 courses this year and have done some volunteering also. I am also plan on doing more volunteering soon. 
I feel like honesty is the best policy for myself - I find it difficult to say anything but the truth if I were ever questioned why I do not have much on my CV for the past 10 years. I feel like when applying for jobs in the future I just want to be honest about my situation and what happened and hope that someone gives me a chance. But I am also aware that some employers may not be keen. 

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar and how they deal with it? How do you tell someone you spent a decade being misdiagnosed, stuck in hospital, and now desperate to get on with my life and hope they do not judge you for being failed by the system. I feel incredibly alone in what I have gone through even though I know sadly my story is not unheard of. Thank you for reading this

  • NO NO NO  employers HATE honesty to their very core. they actually love liars.
    i used to be honest with employers, it got me nothing, i was honest with the navy, it got me told to bugger off. they hate honesty, they dont see it as a good trait at all, they despise honesty.... likely as if you get employed by them then your honesty is a threat to them as they are often always doing something wrong that you can get them in trouble for with your honesty.

    fill in the gaps, with anything, it doesnt matter just close the gaps somehow. they hate gaps in employment too, any gap they rip apart and claim is bad even if you do close the gap but decided to leave like a 4 month gap they will take that and act as if its the worst thing ever and it put them off hiring you. gaps are bad, honesty is bad. with gaps and with honesty you will find it hard to get a job, with no gaps and lies you will be thrown job offers right away.

  • NO NO NO  employers HATE honesty to their very core. they actually love liars.
    i used to be honest with employers, it got me nothing, i was honest with the navy, it got me told to bugger off. they hate honesty, they dont see it as a good trait at all, they despise honesty.... likely as if you get employed by them then your honesty is a threat to them as they are often always doing something wrong that you can get them in trouble for with your honesty.

    fill in the gaps, with anything, it doesnt matter just close the gaps somehow. they hate gaps in employment too, any gap they rip apart and claim is bad even if you do close the gap but decided to leave like a 4 month gap they will take that and act as if its the worst thing ever and it put them off hiring you. gaps are bad, honesty is bad. with gaps and with honesty you will find it hard to get a job, with no gaps and lies you will be thrown job offers right away.

  • Thanks for your message and your experience. I hear what you’re saying. For me personally it doesn’t sit well with me to lie in such a way. I cannot physically go back in time and fill those gaps and they are incredibly long gaps. I do not see how else I can explain to someone why I have extremely little/nothing on my CV after 10 years. In my opinion if I don’t explain it then they will just reject the application anyway as there will not be anything on there for 10 years. I do get what you are saying that people lie all the time but in my particular circumstance I am unsure how I would be able to lie about such an extreme thing if that makes sense? I also am incredibly honest person by nature and it’s not in my values to lie. I find it very hard to do. I do get what you are saying in that other people lie all the time to get a job but I personally do not feel comfortable to do that especially when there is no reasonable lie for a 10 year Gap. I feel I will explore my options and see if I can find an organisation which is specifically aimed at employing those with autism. I know of one nearby if I get funding. Thanks anyway