Waiting list for assessment

Did I say this already? I've been referred for assessment.

I had an email from the service which confirmed it. Now I did some research into the service and found that there's an even longer waiting list than I thought. Someone had mentioned that it might be three years or so. But they say on the website that people who are currently being assessed have typically been waiting for nearly 5 years. 5 years?! And that's not a guarantee. In all seriousness there's a pretty good chance that I'll be dead by then.

I suppose I should try and forget about it for a while, but I can't help investing in this emotionally, as there's some hope that a diagnosis will make a difference in some areas of my life that I find difficult, most especially in my dealings with health professionals.

On the plus side I suppose I can at least now say to them that I have been accepted for assessment and that it's more likely than not that I have autism. It's difficult for me, though, because I hate uncertainty.

Give us strength!