I believe everyone is bisexual what does everyone else think

Hi really want to talk about this and get other people’s opinions really. I genuinely believe that everyone is bisexual I am I know that but I see myself as a hetro romantic. I will admit that I find women attractive and think I would like a bit of that but when it comes down to dating I date men I can’t see myself getting together with a woman. I also know this person who swears that he is gay I knew straight away he wasn’t it was a cover up. I caught him once sending women flirty messages on his phone but I never called him up on it as it’s his business and not mine. As a woman on the spectrum I don’t know really I’m just curious as to what everyone else thinks. Like I said I find women sexual attractive but I would date a man rather than a woman. Please feel free to share your opinions on this topic. I mean no offence to this post I’m just curious really is it just me that thinks this or does anyone else. 

  • I doubt that. You're taking your personal feelings and applying it to millions of people. If you want to dabble in lesbianism, then just go ahead, you do you. It sounds like you are ashamed about the optics.

  • Lol.
    Trust You ! 
    Donut  lol.

  • Glad to have helped Tree Spirit, I meant every word.


    Thats a thought Iain, clowns I've never liked clowns, nor have I ever liked pantomimes, I've always found them confusing, thank you for helping me clarify this in my own mind.

    I've heard of ladyboys in Thailand where visitors don't know they're not women, I didn't know Brazil had such a culture too.

  • So it's all attention seeking then?

    90% of it is from what I have experienced.

    It is a combination of the clown show makeup, the street walker outfits, the unnecessarily loud way of talking / laughing and of course the way they interact - it is like a pantomime most of the time.

    I cannot seriously believe they are so lacking in knowledge of what a good, feminine look consists of, especially when they often have women in their group of friends.

    The ones who are serious about dressing in a feminine way can do really well (depending on their body shape that is) and I see a LOT of these in the area of Sao Paulo where I live - they have a huge community here.

    The ones that dress / act in the way you are talking about are really just out for attention for whatever reason.

  • Your post made me cry.  What encouraging and uplifting words when I needed them most.  I'm a hugely sensitive person.   You have no idea how much your post means to me and how that support has made a difference. Bless you.

  • Tree spirit, your post made me so sad, none of us have to be as shallow as those people on naked attraction and by the sounds of it you're definately not, you're a deep person, rich in experience and understanding. You show compassion and courage and you've shared about some of your many talents with us, be proud of who and what you are, don't compare yourself to the superficial and judgemental, would you really want to be like them, would you want to be liked by them?

    Remember you're a beautiful dryad with roots connecting you too the earth and branches stretching to the sky encompassing all the beauty between.

  • I'm glad you said that about the look of drag queens because I really don't like when people look like blow up dolls and how everything seems to be so plastic, sexualised and fake.  Where is the subtlety in appearance where it doesn't have to be pornographic, demeaning and distasteful?  I watched "naked attraction" last night to see what it's all about and it made me feel sick how the people on it talked with each other like sex and body parts are something to be judged and discussed on T.V (can you imagine how the people being talked about feel).  One person disregarded another person because they were "too curvy and their hair "wasn't feminine enough."  Maybe this is why I'm feeling horrible today and crying a lot because I feel like unless you look a certain way, are from a certain class, can hold up societies "standards" then you are not worth anything.  I feel so worthless today because I stupidly watched that program....  Off point from what you were originally speaking about but caused a rabbit hole scenario for me.

  • So it's all attention seeking then?

  • Does this mean that you're now batting for the other side? If so, may I congratulate you on coming out of the closet? Relaxed

  • if the guy says hes gay but hes flirting with girls then perhaps he is just wanting to make you think he is gay... maybe he thought you was trying to come onto him and he wanted to reject you without rejecting you? .... did you ask if he is single? sometimes that can do it as if you ask if a dude is single it sounds like your into them and trying to see if they are single so you can ask them out, by then claiming to be gay the man avoids having to reject you which would make him feel bad to do so.

  • It quite possibly is a statment, but a statement aimed at who and for what purpose?

    Aimed at anyone who will pay them attention I believe.

    The few that I have known in day to day life who do this at weekends are just craving people to notice them and to have fun.

    One of the groups I know in Hastings has several male impersonators too although they are less "trashy" than the female impersonators, but they are still just please for people to notice that they exist and to overcompensate for an aspect of their sexuality which they have kept bottled up for ages.

    I don't see there being any acceptability issues in being a male impersonator to be fair - the men don't feel threatened and neither do the women at lest in my limited experience which is more than can be said for the men dressed as women and trying to flirt with blokes.

  • I don't have a problem with men wearing make-up or whatever, it's just the over the top drag queens, the Ru Paul type, but then it's more showbiz than cross dressing which I have no problem with. I just find it scary, it's probably the same thing as my dislike/fear of masks, puppets, clowns and dolls.

    It quite possibly is a statment, but a statement aimed at who and for what purpose? I know you do get them, but why do we so rarely seem male impersonators? Are they less "funny", or is it  acceptable to impersonate women, but not men, will men be more likely to be offended by being impersonated, whereas women are expected to like it, or at least not mind?

  • I would dabble with my sexuality if I could, I don't seem to be appealing to women and I find non binary and trans more interesting sometimes.

  • I am not bisexual, but the bloke i sleep with is. 

  • I appreciate people’s comments on this discussion like I said I don’t think I could ever date a woman only men I find both genders sexual attractive but have a preference which is men. I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about the subject really. 

  • So can men, if they find out a woman they don't fancy is attracted to them, they can be quite cruel in their rejections too.

  • I was effeminate, as a young boy. Preferring the company of girls.

    Why I didn't become Gay was due to puberty. However, I became smutty; as a teenage boy. That turned the girls off.

    As a man, I became sexually frustrated. I ended up becoming fat and unkempt. Playing the stereotype to a t.

  • I think sexual preferences can be quite ebb and flow. I’ve only ever dated men (I’m a woman btw), but when I was a student I had a very close female friend who was bi and I was tempted. She was just so lovely and I did love her platonically, and so I was beginning to feel ‘why not?’.  She was ‘attractive’ in every other sense, and the more I gave the idea serious thought I realised I could find her attractive in a sexual way too - it wasn’t a big leap to make. However then I moved away and met my (now) husband - and from then on I was never sexually attracted to a woman again. So I don’t view sexually as a ‘fixed’ thing - I think it’s more dependent on lots of factors and that if the conditions are right then I think most people might consider same sex relationships. One of my adult children is non-binary/bi. I think people just have to follow their heart at the time basically. And it can change as one goes through life. 

  • I don't like the female impresonator/drag queen look. I don't get why they're so over the top

    When it is done well then I have a really hard time to identify if they are male or not, but when you have one who is not going to convince anyone then they seem to go over the top with mini skirts, boob tubes (sometimes with a hairy chest), a bad wig and ridiculous makeup - then I wonder if they are just making a statement rather than trying to be like a female.

    Some of it can be attibuted to a lack of experience. Think about it, with clothing most females have grown up knowing what works clothing wise, what is appropriate in different situations, how to wear it etc. With makeup they have many years of experience in using it, often with friends to share tips and are likely to know what works from trial and error.

    For someone who grew up as male and decided later in life they want to be female then they have to learn all these skills and probably don't have many people willing to help them, so it is no wonder they end up looking like clowns.

    With the ones who don't seem to care, then I think it is more about making a statement - shock value almost.

  • I've linked to this before but I think the conclusions of this study are very interesting, by Cambridge University:
