Do you hate people?

Hi there, I'm not sure how to start this post.

I feel that I have become pessimistic when it comes to people. For context, I am an autistic woman in her early 20's; I have unfortunately had poor experiences in my life where I've been ostracised/bullied in secondary school and also verbally abused/gaslit by extended family. I've also had bad experiences with friendships where people always used me and took advantage of my kind-hearted nature. Because of these experiences, I have come to hate most people as I feel that the majority have ulterior motives and only want to befriend you or be in a relationship so they can take advantage of you.

One thing that kind of helps is I do have quality friends in my life (some of which are autistic) who accept me as I am, the same applies to my parents/aunt. I recently met an Italian guy online via Instagram; for context he follows my YouTube channel and Instagram account where I post art and gaming related stuff - he is also into gaming like myself and has the same socials/Twitch acc. When I talk to him, I feel a nice warmth inside because he understands me and he does show signs of autism/possible ADHD. 

I feel that it is very hard to trust people nowadays and I often guard myself and don't talk about certain things like my mental health, I am used to faking that everything is OK so nobody judges me.

  • Agreed. I tend to keep myself to myself and prefer doing things alone, though I do usually get on with people which I suppose is the main thing. 

  • Aw that’s a shame hopefully you find friends if that’s what you want. Friends are good but sometimes your better being on your own it depends. Time alone is time to do whatever you want at the end of the day.

  • I wouldn't say that I hate people, but I do feel awkward being in a large group and I also don't have any real friends outside the internet.

  • Your very welcome Iain

  • Yep, kind-hearted people are taken advantage of the majority of the time. There's a difference in helping people because you want to, versus being forced to do something you didn't want to do, or else people will get angry at you, or say and do bad things to you. It doesn't mean that you should hate everyone. It just means that when you encounter the types of people who are selfish and who will take advantage of you, to have boundaries with them, or just leave them completely. 

    Being kind-hearted and helping people are wonderful traits to have, but I would say that your time is important. Spending your time helping those who will appreciate your kindness, is better than spending time helping those who are selfish and greedy and gets angry and demands the world of you, and if you don't do what they want, they say negative things about you or do bad things to you behind your back. You don't need those kinds of people in your life.

    I mean, you might be the type that wants nothing back for helping someone, but everyone always gives you something in return. Those who appreciate your help will give you appreciation in return, whereas those who are selfish will give you negativity in return. 

    So learn to have some boundaries to say no, to have some assertive skills, to say what's on your mind, because some people are completely demanding and unreasonable, and for those kinds of people, there's only so much you can do about that, before you just have to leave them as they are, and find other people who will appreciate you for who you are, and what you do for them. 

  • I used to say I hated people all the time.  I can only speak for myself but the older I get the less tolerant I become to the people that try to take advantage and generally push me around. I just distance myself from them as their bad energy really makes me feel sad. I try not to waste energy on worrying about them and avoid any conversation, it’s better in the long run as I would only end up doing something to please them and beat myself up afterwards. I don’t generalise anymore and try and tell myself that most people are nice until proven otherwise. 

    My therapist asked me if I could choose something to change my life for the better what would it be, I said I would like peace and quiet. 

    I’m happy that you have trusted people around you and that you may have potentially found yourself a companion. 

    Best wishes

  • I think you're doing things the right way. I would have been prone to getting overexcited in the same position. 

  • Hi there my experience with friends is as yours they either make me pay for most things or use me as a free councillor and never ask anything about me.I have trimmed my friendship to one and two or 3 family members

  • I find it hard to trust but that's only natural. Trust is a two way street and it's got to be earned both ways. There are some judging people out there but it's unfair to tar everyone with the same brush as the majority are all right.

    I've been hurt by people in the past, used and had my trust broken but I still like people and doing some volunteering each week I've met some wonderful people. 

    There's nice people out there. They're the ones worth waiting to meet.

    From my favourite TV show but the quote is worth remembering.

  • I wouldn't give the steam off my pee!

    I've never heard that expression before.

    Thank you for expanding my vocabulary Slight smile

  • You’re right I feel like the world is corrupt and it corrupts all of us. Every body wants something. A lot of the time as you said they are just using you for something whether it be money or whatever. 

  • I used to be bullied myself in secondary school and lost trust in my teachers, the same people who failed to safeguard me. I really do abhor the so-called "education system" as teachers set up students with autism and other disabilities to fail.

  • Honestly I feel most are very self-centered and materialistic, adding to the crap that exists in the world.

  • Thank you! It is too soon to say if a relationship could happen. I don't want to rush things and a slight part of me is afraid but things seem to be going well.

  • No. Pointless.

    As the Dalai Lama says:

    "Hate (and anger) are like drinking poison, expecting the other person to die."

    Hate is a pointless waste of mental space, designed to alienate ourselves from own true natures, our authentic joyous selves.

    Its far better to tend to our own gardens instead of digging up the neighbor's. That just destroys 2 gardens. Who will eat then?

    Or there's this one: "It never did anyone any good counting someone else's money (Or faults, attributes, lifestyles, fill-in-the-bloody blank."

  • Hello Lina-Chan, Thank you for sharing your experience. I can relate to you and completely understand why you feel the way you do. I would not say I hate people, but I would say that I do not trust people and am in constant fear of them and the potential harm they could cause me.

  • What Iain said, although I do think it's easier when you're older to ignore people, I try and friendly to everyone and friends with very few, there are a few people who I dislike enough that I wouldn't give the steam off my pee!

  • I do get what you mean. It’s hard not to hate people at times especially the way the world is going now. It’s hard to stay positive when the system is so broken and people are easy to hate because they don’t try and make it better.

  • It makes me angry that people get away with abuse. I'm relieved to hear that you're safe now even though I don't know you. :-)

  • Thank you for the sympathy. I'm living with my parents again for now and waiting for help from the NHS and social services with housing.