What happens if I can't get a job?


I am autistic and in my mid-twenties. I have never had a job before due to mental health issues caused by my autism, but at the moment I think I am ready to get a part time job.

It seems that employers don't agree lol. I am with an employment support service, which has been useful for teaching me how to "play the game", but I still can't get any jobs or interviews.

My CV has been checked by my employment support advisor, and he says it's good, so I don't think that is the reason.

Is it because I am over 25 with no experience? What happens if I can't ever get a job? Do I just have to keep looking forever, or are you allowed to give up eventually?

I mostly want a job because I don't like sitting at home doing nothing, but I don't do well with unstructured social things or joining hobby groups. I have also tried looking for volunteering positions, but this also seems to be a dead end.


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