Social groups Newcastle

Hi All,

         I feel so isolated and alone. I have an autistic daughter, and I have ADHD and suspected Autism, and I don't feel like there's anywhere for me to go to just be with other like-minded people, and will there be somewhere for her once she's left school? I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find just a social or peer support group in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for adults. There's so much support for 0-25 (although I know sometimes it doesn't feel like there is!), but none for what happens after? Late diagnoses and stuff.

This got me thinking. What would a group like that even look like? I like board games, arts and crafts, old school consoles, jewellery making... but I also want to understand more about why I am the way I am and I'm better at doing this in person because I find it easier to interact that way. 

What would you all want a social group to look like? Or what do you wish there was out there to support the 18+ once you've been diagnosed or even while waiting?

Tess x


Cat owner

Babies owner
