Why does everybody ghost me?

Even on here, people don't seem very interested in making friends! The number of people that just send me about 3 or 4 pms on here and then stop writing to me is ridiculous. Surely autistic people would want friends more, and be more sympathetic towards the fact that I'm lonely, and be able to relate more to the difficulty I have forming relationships? Why do so many people just end up ghosting me? Why aren't people interested in getting to know me? And is there anything I can do about it?

  • You can't force them if they don't want to, nor should you have to guilt them.

    Ghosting is difficult though as it's a lack of closure, so you're not alone on that front. 

    You said that you've already made some friends through here. Maybe you could work on strengthening those instead of worrying about making more? Because that's where I went wrong in the past.

    The other thing is PMs on here (plus notifications) are pretty rubbish. You're almost better off politely asking someone for their email if you've begun to get to know them. 

  • You can't force them if they don't want to, nor should you have to guilt them.

    Ghosting is difficult though as it's a lack of closure, so you're not alone on that front. 

    You said that you've already made some friends through here. Maybe you could work on strengthening those instead of worrying about making more? Because that's where I went wrong in the past.

    The other thing is PMs on here (plus notifications) are pretty rubbish. You're almost better off politely asking someone for their email if you've begun to get to know them. 

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