Anxiety in a Hotel Family Room


My child has always really struggled if we stay in a hotel. He is 14 years old now and we stayed in a family room recently for the first time in 10 years. I had forgotten!! The moment we stepped into the hotel room, he became highly anxious.

He is not normally anxious. He is thriving in most areas of life, so it is remarkable to me he experienced this instant high stress at walking into a hotel room.

I wonder what it is that immediately sets him off?

I'm thinking it might be the fact that there is nowhere to hide from the family when we are all sharing a room (mum dad and brother). 

Do others have similar experience or are there any other ideas of what it could be that sparks such immediate and unusually intense anxiety in him?

The reason we haven't stayed in hotel rooms for 10 years is because he used to literally not sleep at all and I'd be driving all night or walking him around in a pushchair. It had been so long, I'd forgotten!

  • Dealing with anxiety in unfamiliar settings like hotel family rooms can be really tough, especially for someone on the autistic spectrum. One thing that might help is creating a familiar routine as much as possible, even while you're away. Bringing along some familiar items, like a favorite blanket or pillow, can make the space feel more like home. Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs might also help with unexpected or loud sounds that could be overwhelming.When planning trips, choosing the right accommodation is crucial.

  • Dealing with anxiety in unfamiliar settings like hotel family rooms can be really tough, especially for someone on the autistic spectrum. One thing that might help is creating a familiar routine as much as possible, even while you're away. Bringing along some familiar items, like a favorite blanket or pillow, can make the space feel more like home. Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs might also help with unexpected or loud sounds that could be overwhelming.When planning trips, choosing the right accommodation is crucial.

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