Autism What Support They Do Not have a clue

I have just wasted a year on a waiting list for a post diagnosis support resulting in workshops that have little connection to reality and a copy and paste job from neurotypical CBT/ Mindfulness sessions from Mind Charity. 

For legal reasons I cannot say which service provided this. 

So what was the main tool for being a late diagnosed autistic....go for a walk and take a deep breathe. So, a walk and breathe is going to cure years of school/ work place bullying. Not having a relationship or human touch, financial and mental health destruction. 

So with CBT tools/ and mindfulness the techniques can take according to scientists '6 months' to form neuro pathways to become habitual. Also each technique in practice may take up to 5 mins to perform, per day or situation. So out in 'the real world' do you really think those with autism will be allowed the 'reasonable adjustments' to reach the same targets as their neurotypical counterparts or to complete deadlines , service level agreements or immediate responses which most jobs require? Imagine this , a customer is screaming at you to fix a fault, would you say , sorry I am autistic allow me to take 4 box breathing breaths and I'll get back to you, or allow me to be mindful and look at the textures of the wall of my overly lit office. 

They say you'll need to test the tools to see what works for you , but 'the real world' will not allow you the time to test these unless your signed off long term sick. Also with the changes that may be comming do you think your work coach will show such sympathy when you are removed from incapacity and put into an intense work based group. When your in fear of sanctions and accept any job, even if it means you will not disclose your Autism to get a job so you can pay the rent , eat with such a risk of a sanction. 

So what are the main jobs in the UK , logistics , retail , financial, admin. You'll say the jobs that are suitable to you, but when you don't get them over a certain amount of weeks, well those are jobs you'll be pushed into. Question ? Would a job centre dim the lights when you sign on? You search for jobs you disclose but wait no response , you must work , the money comming in, possibly not as able to cope with compared to what you had when your disability allowed the higher rates, then the sanctions ? You must accept anything. 

Time to mask , IE 'will mask for food' , so throw all of the CBT , tools and mindfulness out the window, you have a product or a service to provide post haste. You have the little hope you can practice your 'tools' outside of your role all your energy is depleted , you barely get the full fat microwave meal on, down a few alcoholic drinks to ease the chemical emotions. No energy for building social skills , none to meet a partner on the spectrum. Rinse and repeat. Wait you got sacked ! Then back on the work programme, rinse and repeat.

Ok I went of on a tangent , but to me this is the reality a world which wants everything now with no time for healing. 

Just another example of the 'out of touch' the coordinator on the workshop thought that Dub Step music would be a mindful process , without warning the group of the sensory overloud, they just played the music and members of the group walked out. 

Out of touch with what autistics are up against in the fast paced world , out of touch with sensory overload , totally unsatisfactory!

  • I'm not surprised that CBT didn't work for CPTSD, I've never heard of self compassion therapy either, I wonder where they come up with all this stuff from?

  • CBT did not work for me and my complex PTSD. That was pre-diagnosis as well. I'm on the waiting list, yawn, for self-compassion psychological therapy. What ever that means?

  • I got no support either, the feeling was that I'd made it to 50 without help so I could carry on. The only thing I was offered was a group that met at a restaurant in the neighbouring city, one evening a month. Given that there was no safe parking at the restaurant and part of my autistic worries were about socialising and personal safety, as well as the huge list of food allergies, I didn't go. I went to a group a few months ago and they didn't have a clue either.

    From my experience, theres a bit of stuff for younger people, but none for us older ones and certainly none for those of us who aren't tech savy, as they all seem to happen via zoom calls.

    I'm not a fan of CBT, I think in many cases it leads to symptom substitution, they get rrid of one things only for the same worries and fears to attach themselves to something else. It seems to be seen as a quick fix, a simple reprogramming of some faulty software in the brain, I don't think brains work like that and I'm even less sure that autistic brains work like that.

    I think mindfulness is often taken out of context, go and sit in a forest and just take in everything around you, yeah and how for some people is that not totally overwhelming? Terrifying even, its great if you are in a safe place and can just sit and be for a while, but if you're not in a safe place and the inside of your head won't shut up, how do you not get even more overwhelmed to the point of meltdown or worse?

    Has anyone had any success with CBT?

  • Lucky you to get some post diagnostic support even if it was a load of codswallop. All I got was here is a list of charities, you are on your own, good luck! What a way society treats us