Resistant starch as a means of helping the gut

Resistant starch is something that forms when oats are soaked overnight or when rice, pasta or potatoes are boiled and then put in the fridge to cool for at least an hour.

Later you can eat the food either cold or reheated.

A lot of Autistic people have leaky gut problems which is why it's known there is a frequent link between being Autistic and being intolerant towards wheat and dairy and some other foods.

Resistant starch increases butyrate in your body which the body uses to seal up patches or holes in the gut. Butter is another source of butyrate too but may be more of a problem for people to consume as it's high in fat and some people don't tolerate dairy well.

Have any of you tried eating resistant starch? You probably have even if you don't think so. If you eat frozen chips you're consuming resistant starch as the potatoes have been cooked once before being frozen. Oven chips are not particularly healthy though because they contain seed oils like sunflower oil which are a kind of fat humans aren't supposed to consume (unlike the more healthy fats such as olive oil).

  • Dunno about "leaky Gut"?

    However, I know that resistant starch feeds good gut bacteria, aids digestion and may help weight loss.

    I now only eat frozen potato products (fries, wedges & hash browns) and our bread is put straight into the freezer and defrosted a few slices at a time as required. I don't eat oats for breakfast, I have natural yogurt which helps increase good bacteria too. 

  • Dunno about "leaky Gut"?

    However, I know that resistant starch feeds good gut bacteria, aids digestion and may help weight loss.

    I now only eat frozen potato products (fries, wedges & hash browns) and our bread is put straight into the freezer and defrosted a few slices at a time as required. I don't eat oats for breakfast, I have natural yogurt which helps increase good bacteria too. 

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