Moderator can you please delete me.

Hi everyone,

Number - I really like that you like me. I respect your wonderful sentiments. 

I just dont belong with people. I have asked to be deleted from my go sober forum. I cant be part of a community when i cant stand myself. Its fairer to just disappear. 

So moderator could you please delete me. I am removing the cancer from the forums. 

  • I understand what you are feeling.  If you leave, you can come back.  If you stay, you can be silent and not look.

    You know where we are and what this place is about.  We're not an especially "judgey" lot.  I reckon you are always welcome here, in good times and bad.

    With that, I'll shut tfu.  .   .   .  and if you are insistent on leaving, I think you must email the community manager.

    Be well Dogtooth.


  • I understand what you are feeling.  If you leave, you can come back.  If you stay, you can be silent and not look.

    You know where we are and what this place is about.  We're not an especially "judgey" lot.  I reckon you are always welcome here, in good times and bad.

    With that, I'll shut tfu.  .   .   .  and if you are insistent on leaving, I think you must email the community manager.

    Be well Dogtooth.


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