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Sensory overloads, meltdowns, and shutdowns in autism

Researchers at the University of Cambridge are studying lived experiences of sensory overload, meltdown, shutdown, and other overwhelming experiences associated with autism.
The current study involves completing an online survey that asks about your lived experiences of sensory overload, meltdown, and shutdown, as well as some background questions about your autism profile and/or diagnostic history. The survey takes roughly 20 minutes to complete.
We are keen to hear from as many autistic adults as possible and to gather a broad range of views and experiences, including those of self-identified as well as clinically-diagnosed autistic individuals.
All stages of this research have been developed collaboratively with an Advisory Group of autistic individuals and the research project as a whole is led by an autistic researcher.
There is no financial compensation for this study, but you would be making a valuable contribution to research that ultimately aims to improve the lives of autistic people through developing a better understanding of these overwhelming experiences. At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you would like to hear about future stages of the research project which would include financial compensation. You don’t need to be interested in future research studies to take part in the online survey.
You can access the survey by scanning the QR code on the flyer, or via the following link:
If you have any questions about the research or would like further information at this stage, please contact Ellen Taylor-Bower at