The "Aspie quiz" that shows typical & atypical traits

Recently Kefka posted his results of what I know as "The Aspie quiz" and Uhane requested a link to it, so I have copied the link below (hope it works)

This test results in a 10 sided chart, showing how strong your atypical (autistic) and typical (neurotypical) traits are, which I find really interesting. For an example, here is my result:

This matches my my attention to detail, pattern recognition and special interests (high atypical talent) and my need for predictability and my hypersensitivity (high atypical perception). I have what is maybe an unusual communication score for someone on the spectrum, however this is an ability to interpret and display typical non verbal communication - not as I originally thought, being ok at conversation. (Verbal communication is in the talent section of the typical side of the graph)

I have a question about this test - does anyone know if it is used anywhere for formal diagnosis?

  • I didn't copy the link to my chart, but there is apparently a 77% chance that I am typical (i.e. neurotypical), which I am most definitely not! I did have a very even spread of results on both sides of the chart with most traits being between 2 and 4. I am late diagnosed (at age 50, now 52 years old), so I wonder if these results reflect that factor and/or my ability to mask (although I don't bother masking very much any more). I did have quite a few "Don't know" answers and most of my other answers were "1s" (i.e. a little). Any thoughts? 

  • Great to hear! I'm trying to work on masking less myself but it's difficult not to.

  • Here is mine again. 
    yesterday I also made RAADS-5 and I got 170 points. Funny thing I had to Google the true meaning of some English proverbs to see what they actually mean because I didn’t know them. For me having a heart on a sleeve means absolutely no more or less than having a picture of a heart on your sleeve, but now as adult I know it’s not meant to be understood literally. I know quite many proverbs in my language. When I was a kid I used to take absolutely literally and they didn’t make any sense for me.
    It’s interesting to see all the different shapes here. 

  • I took this test about 2 years ago, it seems to be fairly accurate, I have most probably changed slightly since then as I have discovered more of my true self and don’t mask as much.


  • 100% of being atypical lol.

  • Thanks to Iain I have figured it out! Here is my result.

    It said 100%, (like good Kona coffee should be.)

    I did this some time ago. I hear there is a new one test.

  • I try and try but cannot upload.

  • HI#, could you link to that new one? that would be great. thanks

  • It looks like roughly the shape of Texas!!!

  • Why does that look like Texas??? It looks like roughly the shape of Texas!!!

  • This is mine. Apparently a 99% probability of being atypical Sweat smile

    Very strange that I seem to have both typical and atypical perception.

  • I did the "Version 4" Aspie test back in July 2022 and I've just done this "Version 5" test now.

    It is interesting that many of the tricky or nonsensical questions within Version 4 have now been replaced with new, but different, tricky or nonsensical questions !  That's NT progress for you ?!

    I've got a spike that reaches 10 now.....on the atypical perhaps I have evolved to become a "proper spiky autist?"

    I pay little heed to the particulars of the results from this type of test......but it's a worthy way to spend 10 minutes.

  •  This is mine, it’s interesting to see all the different shapes

  • Thank you both for posting, that's interesting. My first thought was that I'm an atypical atypical person - ha ha ha! Smiley

    However, although the shapes look different, the talent scores are roughly the same for all 3 - between 3 & 4 on the typical side and around 8 on the atypical side. This indicates we all have strong/special interests, notice details/ patterns, and are not very good at verbal communication or learning by imitation.

  • I had a go.  I'm not taking this seriously.

    This is mine.  I welcome comments.

    Several years ago I picked up a leaflet from my GPs surgery from a local mental health charity, they also gave a link to a mental health quiz to see if one needed their help.  I completed the quiz honestly. Their feedback was that my problems were far more serious than the help they were offering and I should seek professional help.