Social skills and tactics

Over the years I’ve read an awful lot of self help books and most of them were just a waste of money. But I’d like to think there are some gems that I just haven’t found yet.

So, can any of you recommend any books about social communication or social tactics/strategy? Ones that are actually useful?

Alternatively, what tactics and tricks have you learned to use to keep in touch with friends, make new friends or just reduce friction when dealing with other humans?

  • I would say,

    Don't share too much information about yourself with people until at least having met them a few times. 

    Stick to safe topics the first few conversations. The weather, sport, what's in the news (but generally stay from politics if possible), anything relevant to the circumstances you meet that person (if you're waiting for a bus, something about buses), if it's a special interest class or social group something about that interest.

    If you want to play it safe dress like what most people in your area dress like. Find out what the level of smartness is and what colours or brands are popular and wear the same or similar. Of course, in an ideal world we would all more or less express ourselves freely but people tend to be afraid of or wary of people who look different.

  • I would say,

    Don't share too much information about yourself with people until at least having met them a few times. 

    Stick to safe topics the first few conversations. The weather, sport, what's in the news (but generally stay from politics if possible), anything relevant to the circumstances you meet that person (if you're waiting for a bus, something about buses), if it's a special interest class or social group something about that interest.

    If you want to play it safe dress like what most people in your area dress like. Find out what the level of smartness is and what colours or brands are popular and wear the same or similar. Of course, in an ideal world we would all more or less express ourselves freely but people tend to be afraid of or wary of people who look different.

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