It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow and I’m struggling

Hi I lost my mum a few years ago during the pandemic not from covid but from a heart condition. I really struggle on Mother’s Day. My friend Rikki is taking me to the beach where I scattered her ashes and I’m going to put flowers down for her but it’s upsetting everywhere I go it’s Mother’s Day this and mother day that I just wish there was more empathy for the people who don’t have mums. 

  • Just want to say thanks for everyone’s replies today went really well I spend the day with my friend Rikki we did some fire spinning practice in the morning and then he took me to the beach where my mum’s ashes were scattered and I put some flowers down on the cliff then we went back to mine and watched Netflix. Then this evening he thrashed me at Mario kart lol. He lost his mum as well so he understands and it’s nice to be with a friend who understands. 

  • My mum died sixteen years ago, with both Parkinson's and Motor Neurone Disease. Today was a train wreck. I still have a cold, but had to go on a wild goose chase for a shop that had kitten food available.

    Then Hope spilled a glass of water I had. Only by God's grace that the laptop it landed on is okay.

    I generally find regular functioning an issue. Can never get time to settle, as I'm constantly on Zoom and chasing after Hope. My room is always a tip.

  • Dear Rach91,

    I’m sorry you are going through such a tough time, it’s good that you’ve let us know what’s happening/how you feel. Many people have similar thoughts on Mother's day and we hope you’re okay.  

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues:  

    The information on our bereavement page may be of particular interest: 

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • I feel for you I really do. I lost my mum in 2016 and I still find mothers day hard to get through. It will be a hard day for all of us who no longer have our mums with us and I feel for everyone in that boat because it's crushing.


  • I feel your pain, I lost my mum in November 2022 and dad in 2020. Not scattered her ashes yet, still painful. I am going to do it in the summer to a place that overlooks where she lived all her life, somewhere I played alot as a kid and a area of 'nature' that will never be built on. Sadly mothers day is just a commercial event without much thought for those without them.


  • I emphasize with you. I lost my Mum many years ago and I found it difficult for a long time, especially when many others still had their Mum. That is a nice thing to do with your friend.