Struggling to get and maintain employment

I have over 10 year’s worth of administrative experience behind me, but I am struggling to get jobs and maintain them, not because I struggle with the work but because I struggle being around people for hours and hours at a time. I was getting through interviews before much better than I am now even with the struggles. But now I am not even getting the interviews so I am out of experience with them. I am 38, and have not had very many stable jobs, only temporary work in the last few years. I would love a hybrid role where I can spend some days at home and some days in an office. I only recently got diagnosed in the past 2 months.

What has your experience with employment been like?

  • I used to work factories, especially night shift work where human contact is almost zero. Now I have to work in the office. Thankfully, I used my official diagnosis to get full WFH as "Workplace adjustment". I had to mask HARD for the first two months to pass probation. No wonder why 85% of aspies are unemployed and many of the employed one are underemployed.

    My chances of having a career are almost zero. I just cannot play the office social games, and I am not good at brown nosing and bootlicking. People are impressed by my technical skills, but they talk behind my back calling me "weird", "crazy" and worse.

    I would have had a much better life if I were born legless, but without ASD. ASD is not a superpower, it's an horrible disability that cripples all your life.

  • Dear Rish,

    Thank you for sharing this with our community. The following pages might be of your interest.

    Our employment pages include information and advice on looking for an applying for a job. We also have a webpage offering information and support on in your rights at work, dealing with bullying and interacting and coping at work 

    You can also find a free online ‘Finding Employment’ module on our website. This module is designed to help autistic job seekers entering the job market in understanding their strengths and what next steps they could take towards gaining meaningful employment or work. 

    Our Spectrum Live online series also features an episode discussing employment, this can be found here. 

    Evenbreak matches disabled job seekers with employers to build a diverse workforce. You can visit the Evenbreak website for listed job vacancies. 
    The British Association of Supported Employment (BASE), have a database of supported employment agencies, so you can search for one in your local area. 

    Maximus offer a range of employability programmes throughout the UK, Including, programmes for disabled people who are struggling to fine work. 

    Our current employment and volunteering opportunities with The National Autistic Society are listed on our vacancies page.  We particularly welcome applications from autistic people. 

    Thank you. I hope this helps!

    Best regards

    Eunice Mod

  • My experience of work is minimal but also horrifying lol. 

    Getting a job has always been really difficult and stressful for me. In the past interviews were one of the most stressful things I've ever had to do...I usually passed out and had meltdowns or shutdown. My brain would freeze when I got asked simple questions like "Tell me about yourself?" 

    Absolute nightmare!

    Interview questions always throw me! In all the interviews I've ever been to I only got one job which was a customer assistant at Morrison's. I passed out in that interview as well but I think they were desperate lol.

    I lasted three days in that job. The environment was busy and noisy. I couldn't focus, I couldn't function. On my last day I had a huge meltdown it was terrible and I haven't been able to get another job since. Not even part time.

    Since my mum died it's been even worse. But I'm determined to get it right in the end.

    The working world is a bad place for a lot of autistic people. I feel like I'm not equipped for that side of life.

  • I am like you. Although I struggle even with part-time it is easier to manage for me. I would love to work from home but I still need to spend time away from here so a hybrid role would be amazing. I will try to find the scheme you mentioned. Thank you.

  • Enployment is a minefield for me. Being covered by the DDA (Oh it's the Equality Act I see) has definitely helped. But I bomb out in interviews and I am really struggling at work at the moment.

    I have recently applied to have Access to Work Support via the DWP, which I am hoping will help. 

    I work in administartion too, but can only manage 2 days a week. I think that working from home is great. When I am struggling, my employer is quite good at allowing me to do this.

    I had previous work coaching which was good though I was a bit taken aback about being advised that working full-time was un-sustainable for me. Interesting I thought.

    I have also looked at ESA, but earn just more than the cut off

    I also think the NAS run a scheme for work, so I will look out the link for that. Or maybe one of the Moderators can advise you. 

    Best of wishes.