Dealing with conflict in the real world.

I see a lot of very conflict adverse inderviduals in this forum. I'd say since I was a kid sociaty has become more conflic adverse. I got in a fair few fights in school in the 80s. It was considered fairly normal for the odd fight to erupt in the playground. Part of the process of kids learing to resolve difrences with their words and controling their tempers was taking a few knocks when arguments turned into fights. Now we have a generation afraid of having an argument less someones feelings are hurt. Which means every time a verbal conflict erupts half of the room goes to cower in the corner. I truly belive phyical 'fighting' would be good therapy for young people, especialy autistic people. I'm thinking particularly in the context of orgonised sport like boxing, karate or judo. It should be part of the school curiculum that kids should have to face each other in phyisal confrontation so they can loose their fear of expressing interpersonal conflict and instead gain a healthy respect for the risks associated with physical violoence as well as an awareness of their own ability to handel people who might act violently towards them.

What do you guys think?

  • Yes, absolutely.

    Plus, growing up in Warzones made us fearful; to the Nth Degree.

    As I said, in a previous post, I escaped bullying because of where I was from. However, it made me manipulative. I didn't learn to accept rejection. The reason I never had a proper relationship with a woman.

    Even in football, the physicality evaporated. The Talking Heads of MSM wanted us to play like the Spanish. Eventually, our footballers lost their identity. I'm grateful to have watched a lot of VHS tapes of football from the Seventies. You had no choice but to stand up for yourself.

    Boys need a healthy outlet, when approaching puberty, otherwise they'll end up Nihilists.

  • Yes, absolutely.

    Plus, growing up in Warzones made us fearful; to the Nth Degree.

    As I said, in a previous post, I escaped bullying because of where I was from. However, it made me manipulative. I didn't learn to accept rejection. The reason I never had a proper relationship with a woman.

    Even in football, the physicality evaporated. The Talking Heads of MSM wanted us to play like the Spanish. Eventually, our footballers lost their identity. I'm grateful to have watched a lot of VHS tapes of football from the Seventies. You had no choice but to stand up for yourself.

    Boys need a healthy outlet, when approaching puberty, otherwise they'll end up Nihilists.

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