Had my pip payments stoped

Hi just found out my pip payment has been stopped as i have failed to fill out the forms for review. This is really stressing me out I am currently living in student accommodation and my dad has moved away. The house will be mine when I finish university and all the post has been going there and I’ve not been able to check on the house final year of uni very busy trying to sort things out but very stressed over this. Really not sure what’s going to happen as pip is my only income apart from my student loan at the moment. Has anyone got any advice on how I can sort this? My dad is currently back down from Scotland and is trying to help me sort this as well. My biggest worry is being rejected and going to court to appeal which has happened before it was so stressful I almost had a meltdown in the courtroom. I know I am still intitled to it but with the stress of almost finishing my degree I don’t need this on top of it. 

  • My biggest worry is being rejected and going to court to appeal which has happened before it was so stressful I almost had a meltdown in the courtroom

    A meltdown in court while appealing would be a pretty good justification for why you should be on it.

    Fill in the forms and send them in, recorded or registered.  Appeal and tribunal if you have to and you probably will.  Even if you have a cast iron claim, they still throw almost everyone to appeal nowadays.  If you have to have an assessment and they want to give you a telephone assessment, say no and demand a face to face.  It removes any chance of doubt and they get to see you in person and see how bad you are first hand.  It will make the appeal easier when you get to it.

    I'm sorry you have to do this in your final year.  Get it started ASAP, but I would work on the fact it will go to court and you are probably not going to get any money for a while.  You need to talk to your university student services, citizens advice bureau and if you can afford the solicitor then maybe do that, but I'm guessing that's goint to be a no go, given you appear to be living on PIP.  Any money you have needs to go on your accomodation.  You should probably look at some sort of temporary work as well, to tide you over.  i don't have any easy suggestions.  You might have to live very frugally for the next few months.

  • eesh student loan as a income source? .... yeah loans are not income, loans are debt that make everything worse and dig a hole.
    i dunno to me it doesnt seem like a good position even if you did have pip as im against student loans and know many people who cant make it in life due to student debts and then normalising that by living off credit cards... theres alot of smarter people than me with degrees and all sorts of education who are deep deep in debt and have maxed out 7 credit cards and cant pay their rent.... 

    i believe financial education is lacking in this country even among the educated. this country doesnt want us educated financially and wants us to fall into these traps... i dunno, i dont see any way out of this aside from trying to get a job, but you cant get a job because your education likely takes up all your time... so your hands are tied... a lawyer for pip will be too expensive for you likely and these processes with solicitors can take at the least 12 months and you wont have 12 months for this... it does appear that credit cards maybe the only way.... which is probably why all the educated people with degrees i spoke to all seem to also have lots of maxed out credit cards. and so it seems the trap by society is set and won as it appears the only solution would likely be credit cards or something and more debt... it seems the education system needs to be avoided at all costs for anyone to make it these days as the education system seems to just be a carrot on a stick to lure you into a financial pitfall you cant return from. 

  • If you can afford it then a lawyer may be a good way forward.

    I ran a search for "uk lawyer specialise pip" and quite a lot popped up - I have no experience with any so cannot make a recommendation.

    The main reason for suggesting this is that it sounds like the process may be too big an overhead for you to deal with on your own and having someone with experience of a system that tried to get rid of you is very useful.

    Good luck.