My dad ruined a lot of my life

He's an electrician and he never taught me anything. He could have taught me everything he knew and I would have had an easy self-employed job. He came from poverty. He beat me up a few times and was abusive towards me and my mother but got away with it. He chased me out of the house one with a knife and made me homeless because he was unhappy I stopped going to school because I was being bullied, so he basically bullied someone in a vulnerable position. He hit my mother as well but she can't even remember it happening, she seems to have been brainwashed by him. I find it hard to trust men because of him. 

  • the jews have a saying. A man who does not teach his son a trade teaches his son to be a theaf. ... I'm sorry you had such a lousy farther.

  • That is a shame my dad has moved away now he met someone else she really nice but she never replace my mum. I just thought I’d try and advise you as best as I can. 

  • I feel heartbrokewn, you did not deserve that to happen to you. And my father is stupid, I cannot speak to him. 

  • I’m so sorry to hear that I used to have issues with my dad not like on your level though. My dad used to smack me as a kid and we used to clash a lot when I got older. He has phoned the police on me. Since my mum died we get on better before she had her open heart surgery she made us both promise her that if she never woke up for the 2 of us to get on. Sadly my mum did wake up only to be put back under sedation again as she couldn’t survive without the ventilator and she never recovered. Since then me and my dad get on really well we spoke about what he did to me and he very sorry now. I understand how you feel and have you ever thought about speaking to him about everything he has done it might help. 

  • That's really terrible. It's possible that he has problems of his own, and it's terrible he can't be considerate and keep them from spilling over to his family. I feel like my parents missed massive opportunities to guide me, direct me, and warn me about the perils of the world. They left me totally in the dark, for me to discover that people are nasty, manipulative, and with ulterior motives, and it's really something they should have done given their circumstances. They really didn't care that their relation to the world could affect their kids, and their attitude is "You're adults", which is ridiculous, because they're the ones who didn't prepare us, and the ones who continue to lie, promise support, and then retract it.

  • I think there comes a point in our lives when we have to stop the blame game and take responsibility for ourselves and the choices we have made to get where we are at now. 

    I feel we should take ownership of at least a portion of where we end up in life.

    I know it's a complicated subject though. 

    How much of our lives is genetically/circumstantially/environmentally predestined Thinking

    etc etc ...