Pick one out of three to survive

Your trapped on island with 3 people and you need to survive pick ONE person out of the three choices that could help you survive and then way why you have picked this person.

1, a hunter from one of the local islands has great knowledge of the area but is a potential cannibal that could see you as a god trapped in a human body and must eat you to realise the god.

2, a mad scientist that has been studying the island for many years but after years of being alone has been driven to insanity and it is unknown how he would react when in the presence of another human being. 

3, a village chief that hates outsiders and you could end up imprisoned on the island with no food or water but could be reasoned with for a price. 

  • My realistic answer would naturally be none of the above but if I had to choose I'm making the assumptions on risk/reward and I'll go with #2, the scientist and this is my logic. The hunter could be helpful, but they're likely very capable which means my likelihood of survival if they were to desire cannibalising me is low. The chief, probably not that helpful outside of somehow negotiating being welcomed into the village but I don't want to be sociable with an entire village nor try to convince a chief who already hates me as an outsider, no chance of success lol. The scientist however, they may also have valuable knowledge much like the hunter would but rather than a very likely death if they flip on me, there's more of a question mark over the scientists capabilities. If they reacted badly to my presence then there's still at least some hope I could maaaaybe come out on top in an encounter with them.

    It is quite presumptive to assume the scientist be the weakest of the three but... You've got to assume the hunter is the more threatening individual and the chief has a village of other folk to assist.

    Ideal though would be the hunter if things went well and they don't want to eat me, a reliable companion who worships me lol, but I'm preparing my decision with worst case.

  • I'm glad you enjoyed it. Grinning

  • I’d try to reason with the village chief or risk getting eaten by a cannibal and i could be come a god so I think being eaten and becoming a god is a great way to survive. 

  • Love the story Heart

  • I choose none and will go off on my own in to the wilderness to hunt fruit and berries, and find a stream to drink from. If there's any animals on the island I'll befriend them, if not, I'll stay solo.

    Do I survive? 

    This is what my brain has cooked up for this hypothetical situation.

    Bo went to the South of the island leaving the other three people on the North side. Fate is kind to Bo, there are many trees bearing fruit, from cherrys to bananas. Bo encounters a friendly monkey whom he befriends quickly, he's always got on better with animals than other people. The money helps him obtain fruit from the trees and is kind enough to guide him to a fast flowing stream. Time passes by on the island and before long Bo has built a house made of wood from bits of fallen trees, it quickly becomes home. His monkey he named Coco lives with him and for a time all is well.

    However soon after a figure comes from the trees, he's wearing a very old lab coat, huge round spectacles and walks with a limp. His right hand is made of gold and he has a crazed look in his eyes. "Ah ha!" He shrieks madly. "I know I could smell a human!" 

    Bo ran outside his hut, wearing a kilt of leaves he'd made himself. Coco followed him outside. Bo then remembered who this man was, it was the mad scientist he'd seen when he first found himself on the island. Dr Pepper was the scientists name. "Human!" He cried. "Surrender yourself to me and you will die with honour. I will donate your body and mind to medical research...!"

    Bo had been wondering what had become of the other two people he'd met on the island and now he knew - medical research.

    Dr Pepper advanced, wailing like a banshee. He jumped up in the air and shrieked. "Hee-yaah!" 

    His feet collided with Bo's chest in a karate styled kick, sending Bo to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Coco lunged himself at Dr Pepper. Dr Pepper dodged the monkey and then proceeded on Bo who was just returning to his feet, clutching his chest which hurt like hell.

    The pair ran at each other, Dr Pepper threw punch after punch, Bo dodged most but a few caught his lower jaw. He was able to block most of the hits by holding up his arms crossed as an X, he'd never forgotten the survival classes he'd taken with the service. Dr Pepper threw another punch, Bo blocked it, but this time he kicked his leg out at Dr Pepper. The mad scientist was taken by surprise and yelled as he fell down.

    Dr Pepper was on his back, looking up at Bo with a crazed wild stare. "You will never defeat me human!" Dr Pepper lunged once more, a knife slid out from his sleeve, he clutched it tightly.

    Bo braced himself for the end and then the unexpected happened. 

    A very large satellite fell from the sky and landed on Dr Pepper, crushing him like an ant. The mad scientist gurgled and muttered words that made no sense before he fell silent and still.

    He was dead and Bo was the only man remaining on the island. From that day on the island was a place of peace and solitude, Coco had a slight concussion, but recovered after a few weeks of a banana soup only diet and the island was never troubled again.

  • I would pick none of them, find a hidden corner of the island, and risk almost certain death by trying to survive on my own

    Yep! Joy

  • Everyone has suddenly become surprisingly sociable on this site! I would pick none of them, find a hidden corner of the island, and risk almost certain death by trying to survive on my own. Hard to break the habit of a lifetime!

  • If all 4 of you are there what happens to the other 2 you don't pick?

    There is not enough context to answer this question!

  • Definitely #2- my kinda guy. lol.

  • I would go for 1.

    Bro's gotta eat! Slight smile

  • 2. I can relate to him.. Plus he's a proven survivor