I think I might drink myself to death

I've tried other suicide methods in the past but that's going back a while now, I have no active plans to make a suicide attempt. I am drinking myself to death though, intentionally going through a lot of vodka and rum.

I feel I'm stuck and just don't know what to do. I'm going to start alcohol counselling because social services say they'll give me 10 hours a week 1-to-1 support if I do but I'm not sure there's much to look forward to.

I've been sober for months in the past and none of the mental health problems I have went away. So here's a list of things I have, regardless of whether I'm sober:

1) A phobia of dogs. There are a lot of dog owners where I live.

2) Inability to drive because of past suicide attempts so dependence on public transport and walking. I can get anxious standing or sitting at a bus stop and it's worse if I'm sober.

3) Commitment phobia, I think I'd call it. Sometimes I can't go in a shop more than so many times a week because I feel uncomfortable seeing the same person too many times.

4) Can't read body language and 70% of communication is body language so I don't know when people want to talk. This has got me barred from some pubs for talking to people who didn't want to.

5) Not knowing what to talk about with people. My interests are niche. I don't follow sport or watch much TV because it doesn't appeal to me. 

6) Social awkwardness.This happens even when I interact with other Autistic people such as at support groups. I always seem to be the most awkward person in the room, the one who stands out and doesn't fit in.

7) When I get 1-to-1 support from social services, which I have in the past, I prefer female workers because I have more anxiety with men. But because I fell in love with one of them social services now will probably only allow a male worker. I've also at times felt like I'm imposing on support workers and that they place too many expectations on me to achieve things.

8) When I was seeing the NHS psychiatric team all they ever seemed to want to do was have a regular meeting and make jokes while the things I told them about hearing voices and other disturbing things they seemed to go over their head and they didn't really understand. 

9) I don't have one good friend. I wish I had someone to  spend hours of the day with, I find life so empty in a way. It's hard to trust people though, I've tried making friends and people became frustrated with my repetitive and unusual subjects or interaction style.

10) Finding love seems impossible. I've had 3 girlfriends but each time there was something that got in the way. With one, it was that she lived a bit too far away so getting to see her was too difficult. Another, our personalities clashed after a while and the initial spark quickly wore off. The last one was unstable, she didn't clean her flat, it was full of mess and dirt everywhere, she had three hyperactive dogs and because we were both mentally ill in ways that triggered each other. When we went outside together I felt anxious, she didn't put me at ease like some people do, somehow her being mentally ill too in this particular case only made things more challenging. I don't understand dating apps like OkCupid.

11) I struggle with technology. I don't know how to use apps on my phone or how to put music onto it. I bought earphones and only the right ear works. My laptop stopped working randomly one day and I can't log back into my Google account and the recovery method won't work either. Whenever I buy a new phone I have to get someone to put the SIM card in, I can't do it.

12) Maybe I'm just a wimp but I am what I am. A lot of what exists in our culture offends me. I meditate to Hindu music for hours every day. I think I would have fitted in better in India or somewhere like that where people are spiritual. 

13) I've got OCD and often count up to a number like over 21 when touching a door handle, it's like a superstition. I watch birds in the sky and see signs, if they're flocking in a certain pattern it's a sign. I used to read rune stones, a Viking prediction method and I remember the rune symbols and see them in the bird formations and the shapes of tree twigs on the ground and cracks in the pavement. I think people think I'm really odd when they see me outside looking up at the birds, etc.

14) I'm gluten intolerant which poses difficulties in fitting in with others. At a lot of support groups people are offered biscuits so again I stick out. If the group arranges meals to restaurants I have to request ones that cook gluten free which can make me seem like a prima donna and maybe irritate people who wanted to go somewhere else.

15) I hear voices in my head sometimes. 

16) From what I understand interaction in the UK is largely based on small talk and humour, two things I am not particularly adept at. I've read about Russia and I think I'd fit in better there. Strangers rarely smile at each other, people are more reserved. I do try to smile at people when I walk past in the suburbia I live in but making eye contact feels intense to me as well so often it's a very quick glance which perhaps doesn't look as friendly as most people.

17) Because I can't digest gluten and also struggle with yeast drinking beer, cider or wine is not good for me. I can handle rum and vodka but a lot of men bond over beer if you do happen to go to bars or pubs to interact. It's also easier to sit nursing a beer for a long time while a rum or vodka doesn't last long.

18) I've asked the NHS if they could give me a sedative to just make me feel numb all day but they won't. Years ago they would have. The whole system seems a mess to me. I think it's the pharmaceutical companies trying to milk as much money as they can out of health services, making sure patients need more drugs that aren't very effective.

19) I find modern culture baffling and incomprehensible. I'm not bigoted against LGBT+ people but not knowing someone's sexual orientation makes interaction with strangers even more of a mystery. I personally think the decline of Christianity is a very sad thing because it was a social outlet for the whole community that didn't require alcohol and that had clear, defined structure. I'm afraid of some young people, I don't think it's good that teachers are scared to discipline children, the tide has turned towards giving them too many rights in some cases.

20) I don't see the point in living to an old age. My dad worked hard all his life and he's got a nice middle class house and a car and a wife and children but in some ways, over the age of 80 he now looks forward to dying. The older you get, the more loved ones you lose, mothers, fathers, siblings, former lovers. He's got health problems too even though he's quite healthy in his lifestyle. He tried to end his life a few times too and it didn't work for him either, he ended up in a coma after overdosing and driving into a tree. He was in hospital for two weeks. He tells me doing the gardening is giving him joint pain so my mum is going to have to employ a gardener. My mum cooks all his meals for him, he's got dementia.

21) Life just doesn't really make sense to me. I have a sister who's in her mid forties who has cancer and could be dead soon. I have another sister who's partially deaf and blind and has a guide dog and besides volunteering for the Guides she's very socially isolated and often depressed. She's had a long term affair with a married man who seems to be messing her about, never really going to leave his wife but she really thinks he will and won't consider any other men. Her life is basically the occasional meeting with this married man, a phone call to him every day, reading books and taking the dog for a walk. She deserves better but disabled people are discriminated against. I have a brother who's a nice man who studied Theology at the University of Bristol and later on he had a mental breakdown, spent years in mental hospitals, had electric shock treatment and now he spends most his time sat in a council house chain smoking and taking his collection of different pills the doctors give him. He's overweight and depressed. He had a lot of potential.

22) It concerns me how local services have been closing. Post offices, libraries, banks. Empty shops. People struggling to get a dentist on the NHS or to get a GP appointment, having to call up at 8 in the morning and definitely no later because you're in a queue with lots of people. I find it sad that people spend money going on holidays abroad instead of investing in our own communities. Also I find it sad people spend money on expensive cars like four by fours when a functional car would be perfectly fine, again it's money wasted on something frivolous that could be being spent in the local community. 

23) Covid. It seemed to wreak a lot of damage on society. I remember going into a hairdressers and being shouted at by the woman working there that I had to make an appointment and I did have a mask on. It seemed to create an atmosphere of paranoia and also lots of division. Some people would get angry at you if you went into a supermarket wearing a mask because they weren't, others would get angry if you didn't wear one or if you forgot to take it out then you had to go all the way back home before being able to get in somewhere. The isolation and loneliness it caused people. The businesses it finished. The marriages it ended as some people realised they didn't like each other that much when having to spend that much time together or they lost their income and couldn't support the lifestyle they aspired to.

24) I don't like social media like Facebook or Twitter and it seems most social life revolves around it now. I can't stand the way there's always some controversy being flared up and constantly causing people to be divided. I'm sure corporations and the elite are using it to make people divided and prevent a more progressive society to make sure they keep rich. 

25) I tried reconnecting with childhood friends on Facebook and they all ignored me. 

26) Talking with people tires me. Maybe I'm unusual but I just don't like too much conversation. Sometimes people tell the same old jokes. Things get old. A lot the comedy I used to find funny isn't anymore, I've seen it too many times.

27) I'm not sure but I think I might have brain damage from years of drinking a lot. 

  • I've had 6 months sober,

    This always comes with a great sense of achievement.....I don't know anyone who has done this and not then felt REALLY good about themselves.  Congratulations to you on the achievement.

  • I'll tell you a story why I'd stopped drinking. Used to take naproxen (strong pain killer); which advice was not to drink excess amount of alcohol. Thought the best way is to stop completely.

    Hallucinate twice in broad daylight, and nobody helped me as usual. Also, during night.

    Wanted to commit suicide myself in 2019 and did an attempt in 2020. Now thought it's not worth it. I was very unwell. There's an app called calm harm and distract. 

  • right wing? .... how are the tories right wing? .... for one they are a self styled socialist party under one party socialism made by benjamin disreali.... and another they are more diverse than labour and have a indian leader infact most of the tory party seem to be indian. and they have presided over years of mass migration which they allowed and they have pushed the left wing ideology themselves, as you pointed out the education that pushes marxism is under their rule, the allowed migration is under their rule, all the left wing things and laws and reforms are all their doing under their rule so im confused how they can be right wing when everything they have done is hard left.... so labour is literally the ku klux klan in comparison if were going there as they have all white old men leaders are not diverse and are attacking the tories on everything to be opposite of them to the point they said theyd be harder on migrants and if they are the party that wants to be of the northern england peoples then they are likely more right wing really....

    to call the tories right wing is... i dunno, maybe old fashioned? not up to date with the recent data since their term beginning 2010? ....they may have been right wing in Churchills day when he was part of it... sure... although nothing wrong with right wing seeing as right wing tory party of churchills day is what fought the *** while the left wing were doing the antiwar stuff and telling us to peace out with the germans and let them do what they want...

  • I don't think drinking yourself to death is a good plan and it's not a suicide method. It's not that different to just waiting to die naturally, it'll still take decades and for most of that the drinking won't cause noticeable effects, until one day you will reach a point where your liver and other internal organs are so damaged that it's the beginning of the end (but still not the end). You will still face years or even decades more of ill health and being in constant pain and suffering and not even being able to drink any more.

    I drink too much as a coping mechanism and hate that I have damaged my health with it, but it really is not a solution to anything, and it actually causes more problems than it solves. Drinking reliably makes my anxiety and depression worse, even though I think it doesn't. Once I stop drinking, it's very clear the difference.

    I relate to a lot of what you said but. Life is incredibly hard, especially for autistic people. I often wished I wasn't born. It's easy to get into a negative mindset and not see any point to it. From what you have said it does sound like you are depressed. The way you are seeing things right now isn't necessarily accurate and you might not always feel that way, so don't make any drastic decisions.

  • Hello Roswell,

    I identify with most of that.  Although I managed to quit drinking about a decade ago.  Alcohol is a Depressant and will make your mood much, much worse over the long term.  It's not impossible to quit but it is very hard to do so.

  • Instead of drinking, do what I did today, it's nice and sunny so I bought an unlimited bus/train ticket for £10.10 and went traveling around the county.

  • Hi Roswell - As an alcoholic, I'd advise against this. Once you start experiencing chronic withdrawal symptoms and DTs it'll exacerbate your situation horrendously. It is not a pleasant experience. It's also extremely expensive and turns you into a liability. The drinking will only make your anxiety and depression worse. 

    Your immediate goal should be to speak to your GP for support. You can also attend AA meetings so you've got an instant, free support group of people there to help you through this.

    I've had 6 months sober, I can offer tips if you want on that. Try taking up drinking tea and regular exercise to lift your mood. Over time, it makes a big difference.

  • Telling him off would carry more weight if you didn't then double down on the same offence...

  • The Marxists seized control of our curriculum

    Ranting your political ideologies on a candid thread about someone's suicidal ideation isn't helpful. What you've put also doesn't make any sense - we live in a hard-right capitalist society, the Tories have run the country since 2010. If you've got issues with the school curriculum then it's down to right-wing ideologies, although I note the standard right-wing lack of accountability creeping in there.

    Everyone else is always to blame - it's the capitalist doctrine.

  • Drinking only makes things worse. But, yeah, life is screwed up. Our entire life, we were prepared for War; rather than Work. We were told we could shape the world, only to be pushed from pillar to post.

    The Marxists seized control of our curriculum, and went to town on kids. Now, all we have is resentment. I guess we can only trust in our creator.

  • You talk a lot of sense. Life is so hard for some and its not our doing. I wish it wasnt this way.

    If i liked alcohol i would do the sane x

  • Hello Roswell,

    I’m sorry you are going through such a tough time. It’s good that you’ve let us know what’s happening in your life and how you feel. Many people have similar thoughts when coping with so much and we hope you’re okay.  

    If you are unable to cope with the distress or despair, it’s very important to tell someone about your feelings or thoughts of suicide. Call your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP can make sure you get appropriate help and support. 

    If it’s outside your GP hours call 111 to reach the NHS 111 service: 


    The Samaritans also provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day on 116 123, or by email on jo@samaritans.org. 

    MIND have information pages on coping with self harm or suicidal feelings based on the experiences of people who’ve been through it that you may find helpful. 

    If you are very close to doing something to hurt yourself - call 999 now or go to your nearest A&E department. There should be someone there to support you and make sure you get ongoing support. 

    You can find more information here: 


    Wishing you all the best,

    Karin Mod

  • There is so much that I want to say, but I can't find the words. 

    Please don't take your own life. I know that you're struggling. I've come close to taking my own life many times. It's always been because I've felt extremely overwhelmed, hopeless and wanting the emotional pain to stop. But emotions come and go, and so do thoughts. In my experience depression lies. It fills your head with so much negativity, and you can think that things will never get better.

    I lost someone very close to me to suicide. He was depressed. He couldn't see the positives, and how much he meant to people, and how loved he was. 

    Life changes constantly. And nothing last forever. Whether it's perceived as good or bad.

    I don't know what else to say. 

  • 90% of what you've written applies to me.

    Unfortunately I don't drink, can't afford it and don't like the taste of alcohol.

  • in one perspective, you listed a few phobias there and fears. if you wanted to die you wouldnt fear anything or have any phobia, but i get that life is seemingly pointless, all anyone has in the future is loss and sadness and then having to live with being lonely  looking back on memorise of times you had a family. life is naturally depressing that way for people that cant make new family like normies can. but yeah the getting of partner and making a new family is the thing that naturally is supposed to stop life being miserable like that.

    but consider this, life is dying anyway, so you dont need to kill yourself as we are all dying by the hour ticking away. if you drink alcohol alot the likely scenerio is you will just feel physically bad and at worst likely get stomach pumped. all it will do is make you feel ill, my uncle likely drinks more than anyone thinks is possible to stay alive on so im not entirely sure its possible to do anything but make yourself feel more sick and miserable that way.

    the voices i often point out is on the schizophrenia spectrum, but combined with your possible OCD it could actually fit a thing called schizotypal personality disorder, as that has OCD like superstitious symptom and is considered a starter sometimes for schizophrenia and you can hear voices in that but not too often and i think its mainly like hearing your name be called when someone hasnt called it or something.

    and i agree, modern day culture and norms are completely screwed up, i find it better to not be part of it when i look at it lol that should give comfort when you see how silly and out of touch modern day culture is and how its illogical and wrong on everything and every idea it does you should be happy to be out of that and in a more grounded normality. alot of so called normal things today were unspeakable madness and third world banned atrocities just 10 or 20 years back...