What's wrong with this forum?

Why has this forum not been working for the last 4 days?!

  • I'll go with coronal ejection, too, # :  It might have given our pale horse a bit of a tan.

    I'm going with that -- til an evidentiary hearing blinds me with science.

  • i remember there used to be sites where you could make your own free forums. everyone used to use that for game clans. it was designed to be a forum too so it was true forum format, with multiple pages and posts being one after another instead of sub slotted everywhere.

  • This forum has flashy features that make it a bit unstable. For example most forums break long threads into multipul pages. They display posts chronologically too meaning you only have say 20 posts per page which means the website never needs to fetch more than 20 posts at a time.

    This forum has a live search feture where each time you type a new letter into the search bar it updates the search. That means if you type a 10 letter word into the search bar it does 10 serches instead of one.

    That's just the obvious stuff. Who knows how badly it was put together at the back end. A poorly chosen database design might cripple a website when it gets to a certain size.

    Then there's the images on the website. Most forums require you to host images in posts externaly but this one allows you to upload them. That might be taking up some space.

  • its probably a regular website that part of it is turned into a forum which might not be designed/the right format to be a forum perhaps. or its done in a buggy way or with a bad template.

  • Why has this forum not been working for the last 4 days?!

    Solar burst......and a pale horse.

  • Ironic the Autism forum is having a shutdown.

  • in fairness to those people a lot of them connsidered those arguing with them to be far left nutcases. It's all too easy to demonise those we disagree with.

  • I agree. It would be nice to have an ignore list or a mute function on a new forum. Although I am not holding my breath that either will emerge.

  • Although the moderators were aware of the issues, I have never known them to provide a detailed explanation of the cause (or causes) after such events. To be fair, their role is to moderate, and they may not know what caused the recent issues unless they happen to be particularly IT-savvy.

    As inconvenient as the recent issues were Mark, I think we should be grateful that the issues appear to have been resolved.

  • It's a very old-fashioned forum as well. Appreciate they run it for us, but to not even have a block button for people is a bit alarming. In the past there have been some quite deranged people posting far-right invective and they were just allowed to run riot with zero consequences.

  • Part of the issue seems to be but they’ve implemented a forum that is totally custom. That sounds like it’s really good because you should know every in an out of the forum and be able to customise it to do exactly what you want. But the reality is that the people who made this for them probably no longer work for Nas or maybe were contractors who never worked for them in the first place.

    some forums struggle when they get really large with lots of posts. Or if you don’t know The forum well and it’s code and  you change one tiny thing and it breaks lots of other things in other places. In many ways it’s better to use open source well-established off-the-peg forums like PHPBB3. Yes they are a little less flexible out of the box. But there are a lot of add-ons you can download to add extra behaviour. And because they’re widely used by so many different other websites, and because there’s a community contributing to fixing bugs, off-the-peg forums tend to be much more stable.

  • It's been working on and off.

    I suspect they have money problems and the tech support staff are part time.